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自动化仪表安装注意事项 Attentions to Installation of Automation Electronic Instrument 工程的仪表安装即将开始,涉及温度、压力、流量、物位的检测,过程分析和数据显示,自动调节和控制,要保证上述各项功能正常显示和发挥,安装是关键,现就安装过程重点注意事项略述如下,请结合仪表产品的安装说明和施工方案,认真执行。 It involves test, process analysis and data display, automatic regulation and control for temperature, pressure, flow rate and level. To ensure a normal display and work of the functions for all above items, the installation will be a key point. So, we prepared these attentions as followings. Please strictly follow this combined with installation instructions and construction method statements. 仪表设备安装Installation of instrument equipment 仪表设备安装前要逐一进行检查、核验,确认产品符合设计图纸要求,外观完好无损,出厂合格证、安装使用说明书等资料及附件齐全。 Before installation, all instrument equipments shall be inspected and verified one by one to make sure they are in line with requirements of design drawings, and their appearance shall be in good condition, the factory quality certificates, installation instructions and accessories shall be complete. 仪表设备进场后,所有仪表安装前必须按标准规范和厂家的操作手册进行单体调校,所有管道完成冲洗后再进行标定的在线仪表除外,如流量计及流量传感器,未经调校合格的仪表设备不得安装。若发现任何仪表的缺陷,要立即向太尔汇报。 After delivery to site and before installation, all instruments (except on line instruments such as flow meters flow transmitters which are to be calibrated after all pipe flushing is done) shall be calibrated one by one according to standard according to the manufacturer’s instruction manuals, and rejected ones can not be installed. If discover any instrument defects, report to immediately. 直接安装在管道、设备上的仪表设备须在吹扫和完成压力试验后安装,必须与管道同时安装时,在其吹扫时将仪表拆下来保管。 The instruments which are directly installed on piping and equipment shall be installed after purging and pressure test. When the instruments must be installed with piping at the same time, during purging of piping, all the installed instruments shall be removed and well kept. 节流装置必须在管道吹扫后安装,其安装作为隐蔽工程,须进行共检确认其仪表位号、正负方向、流向及定位、安装位置、尺寸等项目的正确性,并做好隐蔽工程和共检项目的记录。关于流量计及流量传感器(质量、电磁、涡接等)的安装,请严格按照仪表厂家提供的安装手册,如定位、前后直管的长度、支撑类型及具体要求等。 Throttle device must


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