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Standard: The Manager or shift leader will use the On-Line Logbook for sharing any appropriate information relevant to the department. All information will be written legibly and clearly to ensure everyone concerned can read the information without difficulty at all times. All associates must read and sign the On-Line Logbook at the start, or during each shift. 标准: 各部门经理和主管将使用电子交班本来共享部门各种相关信息。交班本上的所有信息必须清晰,有条理,确保每一位员工在任何时候都能毫无困难的阅读。所有员工必须在开始上班或每个班次开始时阅读并在电子交班本上签字。 Procedures: The On-Line Logbook is a means of communication between all butlers and all other departments. The On-Line Logbook can be accessed and viewed under document name of Butler logbook on H drive by using any of PC sets in butler’s pantry room. All associates must read the logbook at the start, or during your shift. All associates must type in “Y” in the column besides their name, to indicate it has been read and understood at the start, or during the shift. It’s the responsibility of Shiftleader to take care of the logbook to the shift hand over briefings and advice all present of any relevant information. The hand over of On-line Logbook must be clear and complete in order to avoid mistakes. The record in On-Line Logbook must be concise, to the point and clearly written. The Shiftleader must ensure any message left in the logbook from the previous shift is actioned. Any job assignments that can’t be completed are logged down for follow up. 程序: 电子交班本主要用于所有专职管家和所有其他部门之间的沟通。 电子交班本能用任何一台专职管家工作间里的电脑进入和浏览,该文件在H盘下名为专职管家交班本的文件里。 所有员工必须在开始或当班时阅读交班本。 所有的员工必须在自己名字后的空格内键入“Y”,表明其内容已在开始或当班时被该员工阅读并理解。 当班主管的职责是在交班例会上注意电子交班本上的相关信息并给与在场所有人以提醒。 电子交班本的交接必须完整、正确,避免失误。 电子交班本的记录必须简明,要点需清晰的书写并标明。 当班主管必须确保完成任何电子交班本上面上一班次要求跟进的信息。 任何本班次无法完成的工作必须在交班本上作记录以便跟进。 员工录用管理制度 为规范试用期员工的管理和辅导工作,创造良好的试用期工作环境,加速试用员工的成长和进步,特制定目标责任制制度。 一、员工试用期规定 ?1、自员工报到之日起至人力资源部确认转正之日起。 ?2、员工试用期限为3个月,公司根据试用期员工具体表现提前或推迟转正。 (一)、福利待遇 ?1、试用期员工工资根据所聘的岗位确定,核算时间从到岗工作之日起计算,日工资为:月工资÷(本月天数-休假天数) 2、过节费按正式员工的1/2发放。 3、按正式员工标准发放劳动保护用品。 (二)、休假 ?1、试用期内累计事假不能超过3天


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