人教版高中英语Unit 3 HIVAIDS Are you at risk 学案设计资料.doc

人教版高中英语Unit 3 HIVAIDS Are you at risk 学案设计资料.doc

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人教版高中英语Unit 3 HIVAIDS Are you at risk 学案设计资料

Unit 3 HIV/AIDS: Are you at risk? 学案设计 知识目标 To learn the useful new words and expressions in this part: HIV, AIDS, virus, immune, injection, infected, needle, sexual activity, be infected with Important sentence: You can have HIV in your blood for a long time, but eventually it damages your immune system so much that … Activity 1 True or False quiz: ( ) 1. Only bad people get AIDS. ( ) 2. HIV/ AIDS is difficult to cure. ( ) 3. People with HIV look different. ( ) 4. If you had HIV, you would know because you would feel sick. ( ) 5. People can get AIDS from shaking hands. Activity 2 Scanning Scan the text quickly and do the exercises on page 23. Ask and Answer. 1).What is virus? 2).What is HIV? 3).What is AIDS? 4).How does HIV affect people’s health? 5).Have scientists found a cure for HIV/AIDS? Activity 3: How to stay safe? Activity 4 How should we act towards people who have HIV/ AIDS? What can we do to help them? (Tips: What are the correct attitudes to AIDS patients?) Activity 5: Suppose the Students’ Union(学生会) requires you to design a poster about how to publicize(宣传) AIDS and how to treat the infected people. Your poster should include the following points 1. a slogan(口号) 2. Introduction about AIDS 3. How to prevent from AIDS and treat the infected patients? Groups of three S1:Design a slogan and draw a picture for the poster S2:Write some introduction about AIDS. S3:Write some advice on how to prevent from AIDS and some advice on how to treat the patients. Assignments 1. Read the passage “Successful AIDS programme in Yunnan” on page 60 in the workbook and finish the questions, too. 2. Revise (修改 )your poster into a good one with 100 words and hand in tomorrow. Unit 3 HIV/AIDS: Are you at risk? 教学设计 教材分析 1、本节教学内容是人民教育出版社出版的选修(6)Unit 3 的阅读课——HIV/AIDS: Are you at risk? 安排为本单元的第三课时。 2、Using language是一篇关于HIV/AIDS的宣传材料,介绍了一些有关爱滋病和爱滋病的基本知识以及在生活中如何进行预防。要求学生能判断一些相关陈述的正误。 教学目标 Target language Get students to learn the useful new words and expressio


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