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仁爱版英语初中八年级上册期末单选题集锦 测试卷 单选题 ( )1:Lucy is the ______of the two girls,but she isn’______in the class. A:quiet; quieter B:quieter ; quietest C: quietest; the quietest; D:quieter; the quietest ( )2:I _______watch football games at home on weekends,but now I like shopping with my friends. A:am used to B:was used to C:didn’t use to D: used to ( )3:He and his friends _______much time _______the work. A:spends; doing B:spent ;doing C: took; to do D:cost;do ( )4:The Huanghe River is one of ________in the world. A:longer rivers B:the longest rivers C:the longest river D:longest rivers ( )5:He was just looking out of the window _______the teacher called him. A: while B:when C:until D:since ( )6:They ______faces in the classroom when the teacher came in. A:were making B:was making C:make D:made ( )7:________people took an active part in the battle against SARS in 2003. A: Thousand of B:Ten thousand C: Thousands of D:Thousand ( )8:I don’t think the robots will _______humans. A:instead of B:helps C:take the place of D:instead ( )9:The stone is ______heavy for him ______carry. A:so;too B: very ;to C:too;to D:enough;to ( )10:Booth of the words begin ______the same letter. A:from B:for C: to D:with ( )11:What_______weather! Let’s go and visit the West Lake. A:an nice B: nice C:bad D:a nice ( )12:which subject do you like_______, math ,Chinese or English ? A:better B:best C: well D:very much ( )13:--I called you at eight o’clock yesterday,but there was no answer, --Oh, I’m sorry .I _______dinner at my friend’s house. A:have B:had C:was having D: am having ( )14:Let’s go swimming, _______? A:don’t you B:will you C:shall we D:do we ( )15:My brother is _______in the _______film. A:interesting; intere



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