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天津职业技术师范大学 Tianjin University of Technology and Education 毕 业 设 计 专 业:电子科学与技术 班级学号: 26 学生姓名: 二○一一 年 六 月 天津职业技术师范大学本科生毕业设计 开关电源P-SPICE仿真 Switch-Mode Power Supplies SPICE Simulations 专业班级:电科0703班 2011年6月 摘 要 变压器的使用在升压和降压电源中很常见,开关电源根据不同的输出要求采用不同的变压器拓扑电路,同样的电源也采用不同的变压器拓扑实现。 在所有拓扑中反激式变压器构成的升压式开关电源具有电路简单、元器件最少的优点,在小功率开关电源中经常采用。而变压器的设计需要技术人员根据一些经验参数来进行变压器的设计和绕制。会出现经验设计多于准确的参数设计,而且在高频条件下变压器的设计和制作不同于普通的变压器,更加需要实际经验和理论设计两者相互结合。 本文将针对反激式开关电源变压器漏感较大,易击穿开关器件的特点,通过Pspice仿真来检验在电路中增加RL模或RCD模块的方式对漏感能量的耗散效果,从而达到保护开关器件、稳定电路的目的。 关键词: 开关电源;Pspice仿真;反激式变换器;吸收电路 ABSTRACT Converter is widely used in boost and buck power. Switch-Mode Power will take different circuits of converter topology depends on different conditions in outputs. And sometimes the same power will choose different converter topologies to achieve the same result. In all kinds of topologies, boost switching power supplier based on the fly-back converter characterized as simple circuit, less components that is the reason to explain why it is commonly used in low power switching power supply. In the process of designing converter , technical staffs usually make the converter with some self-verified parameters .The phenomenon will lead to such a result ,the amount of experience design are more than accurate parameter design. However ,in the area of high-frequency converters ,the design and production of them are different from general converter, we need to combine more practical experiences with theoretical design. For the larger leakage and easy breakdown in switching device of fly-back Switch-Mode Power Supplies converters, this article will use SPICE Simulations to test the effectiveness of RL and RCD module circuit in dissipating the energy of leakage,so as to meet the purpose of protecting Switching devices and stabling the circuit. Key Words:Switch-Mode Power SPICE Simulations; Fly-back Converter; Snubber circuit; 目 录 第1章 引 言 1 第2章 PSPICE软件仿真概述 2.1 仿真软件的选择 2 2.2 PSPICE的发展历程和现状 3 2.3 PSPICE的


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