
怎样学好英语How to learn English well.ppt

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怎样学好英语How to learn English well

国际经贸易人才 应该游学世界、洞察世界,了解世界、改造世界,视野广阔、英语流利、性格活跃、善于沟通;具有野蛮人的强健体魄,现代人的开拓思维,国际人的全球视野和外向的知识结构;应该系统掌握经济学的基本原理、国际经济与贸易的基本理论,了解现代国际经贸的环境和发展现状,掌握通行的国际贸易规则、法律与惯例,熟悉我国对外贸易的政策、法规和我国主要贸易伙伴的基本情况,通晓最新的国际贸易业务运作方式,能够无障碍地用英语和网络进行涉外沟通,成为具有创新精神和全球目光的应用型、操作型和复合型国际经贸人才。学生应该毕业后能在外贸公司、跨国公司、政府对外经济贸易管理部门、涉外企事业单位和科研院所从事与国际经贸有关的营销、管理、调研、翻译和宣传策划工作。 How to learn English well 浙江工业大学之江学院 国际经济与贸易 Contents The importance of the English language The weaknesses of English learners in China How to learn English well - Reading, listening, speaking, writing and translating Proverbs to remember Questions and answers I. The importance of the English language English is the most dominating language for international business/trade, international academic communication, international relations, diplomacy though French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and Chinese/Mandarin are the working languages in the United Nations, too. English is spoken in the developed countries, such as the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the former British colonies, such as Hong Kong, Singapore, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia,the Philippines and so on. English is spoken by the elite and the rich in other developing countries.英语是全球普通话。 English can be read on the computers all over the world. II. The weaknesses of English learners in China Too shy to speak, thinking that we are culturally and linguistically inferior to the English-speaking white people. Claim that there is no English-speaking environment. Test-oriented teaching methods, too much importance to grammar. Able to read, but unable to speak or write poorly. Good at tests, poor in communication skills. III. How to learn English well - Positive attitudes Bold enough to speak; Culturally confident, but open to learn; Socially interactive and outgoing; Do not be afraid of making mistakes, we can make progress by making mistakes; Dont pay much attenti


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