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数据中心 配电与空调系统的设计与研究 作者姓名:冯 安 平 专业名称:电气工程及其自动化 指导老师:李自成 副教授 向茜 摘要 随着信息技术的迅速发展和互联网的普及,社会各界对信息系统的应用越来越广泛,信息和数据量呈几何级增长,由此对数据中心的需求日益增加,对数据中心的要求也不断提高。 信息设备功能越来越强,功率密度越来越高。数据中心设备机柜用电负荷由以前的2kVA/台,提高到3kVA/台、4kVA/台,甚至更高。机房单位面积的平均用电负荷也由1kVA每平方,提高到1.5kVA每平方、2kVA每平方,甚至更高。同时,随着数据中心规模的不断扩大,对供电总容量的要求也从数千千伏安提高到数万千伏安。 由于现代社会运行对信息、数据的依赖越来越多,对信息系统的可靠性、连续性要求也越来越高。现行的数据中心标准、规范中一般都会对数据中心进行分级或分类,提出不同的可靠性要求,并制订相应的建设或配置标准,例如:GB50174-2008《电子信息系统机房设计规范》中分为A、B、C 三级,ANSI/TIA-942-2005《Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard for Data Centers》中分为Tier1、Tier2、Tier3、Tier4 四级。本文中将数据中心对供配电系统的可靠性要求分为极高可靠性要求、高可靠性要求、一般可靠性要求三个层次。 随着信息化、智能化、智慧化技术的发展,数据中心在人类生活和实体运行中扮演的角色越来越重要,人类对数据中心的建设和运行维护投入越来越大。 关键字:电力系统 空调系统 数据中心 信息化 节能 Abstract With the rapid development of information technology and the popularity of the Internet community on information systems more and more widely, information and data volume increase exponentially, thus the demand for increasing data center, data center requirements for continued Increased. In recent years, not only to telecommunications companies, government agencies and banks, securities, insurance, Internet, and many other industries are also a variety of different uses in construction, size, level of data centers. With the information, intelligence, wisdom, technology development, data center operation in human life and entities that play an increasingly important role, the human data center construction and operation and maintenance investment is growing. In the pursuit of the best return on investment and environmental protection under the dual pressure of international organizations in the construction of the data center security, availability, and a series of energy efficiency building standards, the international mainstream data center products and solutions suppliers Data centers around the above issues into research and product development. This data center far as energy conservation and energy efficiency issues discussed. Keywords: power system, air conditioning


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