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DSM Business Group Fatty acids in nutrition 脂肪酸营养 Classification of fatty acids脂肪酸分类 The evidence for a beneficial role of dietary ARA and DHA in infant nutrition婴儿营养中膳食ARA和DHA有益作用的证据 Suggestive evidence 启发性证据 Suggestive evidence 启发性证据 Brain tissue is rich in ARA and DHA 脑组织中富含ARA和DHA Suggestive evidence 启发性证据 How infants get their ARA and DHA 婴儿如何获得ARA和DHA Breast milk 通过母乳母乳提供 Metabolic production 通过代谢产生 Metabolic conversion 代谢转化 Linoleic acid ARA 亚油酸 Alpha-linolenic acid DHA Conversion rate 转化率 10% Infant formula 婴儿配方产品 Traditional formulas do not contain ARA and DHA传统配方中不含ARA和DHA Eye and brain development 眼睛和大脑的发育 Some methods of assessment in infants 在婴儿中评估的一些方法 Traditional formula 传统配方食品 Less brain DHA compared with breast milk 大脑DHA低于母乳 Traditional formula 传统配方食品 Traditional formula 传统配方食品 LC-PUFA formula LC-PUFA配方食品 LC-PUFA formula LC-PUFA 配方食品 LC-PUFA formula LC-PUFA配方食品 LC-PUFA formula LC-PUFA配方 Recommendations 推荐量 Thank You! Message Essential fatty acids are a nutrient class of their own – similar to carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Comments Lipids serve three functions Structural Energy source and reserve Regulatory. This function - specific for individual fatty acids - has been neglected in the past. Message Saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids are non-essential dietary components. There are two PUFA families: the n-6 and n-3 family Comments Fatty acids occur in the cis and the trans form. Only the cis form is physiological. Message In the literature PUFA are often indicated by shorthand notation Comments Each fatty acid is indicated by three numbers, separated by a colon. The first number indicates the number of carbon atoms in the fatty acid chain, the second gives the number of double bonds, and the third indicates the fatty acid family. Comments Linoleic acid has 18 carbon atoms 2 double bonds the first double bond is on the 6th carbon


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