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* Act Two---Developing *Eliza comes to Higgins home at 11a.m. to be Higgins student *The beting becomes real. *The new character----Elizas fathers coming *Elizas brand new look as a Japanese lady Doolittle Higgins Pickering [exclaiming simultaneously] Bly me! its Eliza! Whats that ! this! By Jove! Act Three---Developing *Higgins takes Eliza to his mothers at-home. (茶会)Freddy is infatuated. 美貌使他心醉 *Higgins plausible success---in a big party, a famous linguist judges Eliza a princess. Act Four ---Highlight *Eliza shows her temper in that she has already changed from heart. She is afraid about her future. *Higgins is hurted by Eliza. Act Five---Ending *Eliza escapes to Mrs.Higgins house *As the most original moralist, Elizas father becomes rich by heritage. *Eliza no longer a poor flower girl 张玉 英语5班 Question 1 What kind of person do you want to be? A. The flower girl B. The elegant lady C. The elegant but wise girl D. Be Yourself Question 2 What kind of Girl do you like? A. Poor but sincere girl/boy (like flower girl ) B. Good outside but no thought( elegant lady) C. The elegant , wise but low-class girl/boy D. Tall, rich and handsome / Fair, rich and beautiful Women’s Emancipation Material Vs Spiritual Pygmalion Effect IDEOLOGICAL AWAKENING(思想觉醒) Overcome lowliness(卑微) Courage to Knowledge Study Hardly Change Fate Suspect Fate Brave to fight Fight for Freedom Choose to leave Material Glory Bedraggled Cockney(伦敦的) Flower Girl Linguistic Change Elegant Lady Mental Inanity(空虚) Puppet(玩偶) Confusion of Ego(自我) /Future For Society For Individual positive power Evolutionary(渐进) Development Suggestion Positive Expect Pygmalion * Author Background Characters Plot Themes Team 6th George Bernard Shaw Pygmalion Lily George Bernard Shaw Nationality: Ireland Times:1856-1950 Achievement: Nobel


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