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 第 13 卷 第 1 期 农 业 工 程 学 报 V o l. 13 N o. 1   1997 年 3 月 T arnsactions of the CSA E M ar. 1997  水泵机组的振动分析及故障诊断 ① 陈贤源  陈仁福 李锡文 (西南农业大学) 提 要 采用两个磁电式速度传感器测定水泵机组垂直和水平方向的振动, 并对数据进行时 域、幅值域、频域、相关和倒谱分析。结果表明, 水泵机组电动机旋转引起的振动, 通过联轴器传 递给水泵, 使水泵靠近电动机轴端的轴承振动加剧而造成磨损, 进水口的振动大于出水口, 机组 都存在着高频电磁噪声。为此提出了减少水泵机组振动的一些措施。 关键词 水泵 故障诊断 振动分析 V ibra tion Ana lysis and Fault D iagnosis of W a ter Pum p Un it     C he n Xia n yua n C he n Re n fu L i Xi w e n (S ou thw est A g ricu ltu ral U niversity , Chong qing ) Abstract T he vertical and ho rizon tal vib ration data of five w ater pum p un its w ere co llect ed by tw o m agnetoelectric tran sducers at seven test po in ts and then the analysis of the , , , . tim e dom am p litude spectrum co rrelation and cep strum w ere carried ou t T he resu lts ′ show ed that the electric m o to r s vib ration cau sed by its ro tation w as tran sm itted to the , w ater pum p un it th rough rigid coup ling w h ich resu lted in the bear w ear and tear severely becau se of the acu te vib ration of the w ater pum p un it. T he vib ration of w ater in let w as h igher than that of w ater ou tlet. E lectrom agnetic no ise of h igh frequency w ere found in all five w ater pum p un it. T he paper also pu t fo rw ard som e m easu res to reduce the vib ration of the w ater pum p un it.       Key words W ater pum p s Fau lt diagno sis V ib ration 在工业上对汽轮发电机组利用振动信号进行时域、幅值域


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