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系 部: 机械工程系
专 业: 机电一体化技术
题 目: 基于PLC车库自动门控制系统设计
摘 要
Title:Design of Automatic Door Control System Based plc ABS TRACT
continuous development of science and technology, and now more and more people own cars, the garage door good demand is also growing. Application of intelligent garage is more and more widely, parking management system is indispensable in the building, also the important intelligent building. With the development of computer control technology, the parking lot management control system software and hardware facilities are also associated with its development and continuous improvement. Design and program design of this course focuses on the application of PLC automatic garage door, automatic control technology to realize the automatic garage door open or closed. When the car close to the door, opened the door to leave by the driver, and then the door automatically closed, and the control system to the process of opening and closing the implementation. Management of the garage in this system is of great help, has obvious effect on the traffic flow, to improve traffic capacity, is of great practical value. automatic door system has been applied to large companies research institutes government, agencies and other units are highly confidential. To enhance the reliability of automatic door operation, this design presents a FX2-32MR programmable logic controller and the inverter control automatic door control system, the design uses two sensor prods, some switches and sensors as the system input device, the dive door is used to adjust the speed, and analyzes the working principle of the control system hardware components and system, analysis of the human body decoction sensors automatic door operation position detection the door operation position detection the door obstacle detection and other co
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