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Chapter Six Communicating Across Cultures I. 1.High road, low Road 1). low-context cultures vs. high-context cultures p67,p71 2).Two important rules of thumb to remember: a. Don’t be overconfident b. Use uncomplicated descriptive language to explain your position. 2.The Global Business Language English—the global business language, (determined by the wealth of the world’s English speakers) 3. The difference between American English and British English bomb—The project was bomb. (Am.) The project went a bomb. (Br.) table— to table the proposal (Am.) (Br.) call someone a sod—someone dumb or unreliable (Br.) private school (Am.)—public school (Br.) public school (Am.)— a state or government school (Br.) high school (Am.) —secondary school (Br.) II. Cultural Impact on Languages 指示意义(denotation)相同,联想意义(connotation)也相同 sly as a fox busy as a bee a duck’s egg A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. to burn one’s boats Walls have ears. , 指示意义相同,联想意义不相同 A lucky dog. Every dog has his day. Love me, love my dog. He worked like a dog. as wise as an owl as blind as a bat, as crazy as a bat moon 指示意义不相同,联想意义相同 live a dog’s life the apple of one’s eye as strong as a horse as stubborn as a mule as stupid as a goose as slippery as an eel 指示意义相同,文化价值观不同 aggressive ambitious individualism 五. 颜色在不同的文化中有不同的内涵意义 red westerners


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