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运用“组织学习鱼”模式构建我国学习型政府的初探 中文摘要: 随着经济全球化进程的逐步推进与中国入世过度期的逐渐减少,使得我国政府建立学习型组织成为当前迫切需要。“学习型政府”是一个崭新的理念,它是政府适应知识经济挑战、主动进行自身建设的产物。中国正处于发展经济、全面建设小康社会的关键时期,因此,树立“学习型政府”的观念对于我国政府领导国家经济建设和社会发展具有重要意义。构建学习型政府是一项系统工程,它由四部分构成:观念、组织学习机制、组织学习促进与保障机制以及行动。运用“组织学习鱼”模式构建我国学习型政府无疑是一种新的有益尝试。本文运用了文献研究法与比较分析法,引用了“组织学习鱼”的模式,将学习型政府的构建分为:“鱼头”——理念、“鱼身”——组织学习机制、“鱼鳍鱼鳞”——组织学习促进与保障机制、“鱼尾”——行动起来四个部分。这一模式不仅指明了学习型政府的基本构成“部件”,而且形象地描绘了各“部件”之间的有机联系,对于构建学习型政府有着重要指导作用。 关键词:学习型政府 组织学习鱼 英文摘要: With the gradual reduction of the layoff period of entering the WTO of gradual promotion and China of the process of economic globalization, make our government set up the studying type organization and become to need urgently at present. government of studying etc. one brand-new idea, it whether government adapt to result that kownledge economy challenge , build oneself voluntarily. China is in the key period when is developing economy , comprehensive construction well-off society, so, the idea of establishing studying type government has the signification for leading national economic construction and social development in our government. It is a system engineering to construct the studying type government, it is formed by four parts: Idea , organization study mechanism , organize , study , promote with security mechanism and take action. Use , organize , study fish mode construct our country person who study government one a new one beneficial to try undoubtedly . This text has use the literature to study the law and comparative analytic approach, has quoted the organize and study the fish mode, the construction of the studying type government will divide into: fishs head - -Idea , fishs body - -Study the mechanism in the organization, fish scale of fishs fin - -The tissue is learnt to be promoted with security mechanism, fishs tail - -Take action 4 parts. This mode has not merely pointed out the basic composition part of the studying type government, and has described the organic connection between


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