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中国人造草坪行业 的发展现状 The Development Status of Artificial Grass Industry in China 泰 山 集 团 乐陵泰山人造草坪产业有限公司 Taishan Sports Group Leling Taishan Artificial Turf Industry Co.,Ltd 报告提纲 Report Outline 1、人造草坪产品的应用 The application of artificial grass 2、产品质量分析 The analysis of product quality 3、产品研发的进展 The RD of product 4 、产品的检测 The test of product 5、人造草坪行业展望 The vision of artificial grass industry 人造草坪在中国的发展历程 The development history of artificial grass in China • 20世纪90年代末,人造草坪产品进入中国市场。 – 进口草坪 By the end of 1990s, artificial grass enters into Chinese market. - imported grass • 21世纪初,泰山集团、江苏众联等企业开始了人造草坪的生产。 – 以进口草丝为原料,进行草坪的编织生产 In the beginning of 21st century, Taishan Group and Jiangsu Zhonglian begin to produce artificial grass. - Use material of imported fiber and tuft by themselves • 草坪产业集群的形成。 – 形成了以泰山、众联、共创、熊猫、MIE、火炬等企业为领导的产业集群。 The formation of artificial grass industry cluster. -The industry base leaded by Taishan,CoCreation,Panda,MIE,Torch is founded. • 国内企业开始人造草丝的生产 – 泰山集团与华东理工大学合作,06年引进了世界上最先进的拉丝机,草坪编织机等生产设 备。开始自产草丝,编织草坪。 Domestic companies start the production of artificial yarn. -Taishan, cooperated with ECUST, brings in the most advanced Extrusion machines and Tufing machines in 2006. She begins to manufacture her own yarn. 人造草坪产品的应用 --应用面积 The application of artificial grass --Application area • 1990 年,我国近 1 万平方米的人造草坪运动场 • In 1990, around 10,000 square meters artificial grass was installed in China. • 1997 年- 1999 年,应用面积增长到 50 万平方米 • 1997-1999, the applicating area increased to 500,000 square meters. • 2000-2001 年应用


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