have you ever been to an amusement park试卷.doc

have you ever been to an amusement park试卷.doc

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have you ever been to an amusement park试卷.doc

Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park(8B) —Unit 10 It’s a nice day, isn’t it(8B) 考点整理 重点短语盘点 I.英汉互译 游乐园 ________________ 乘坐地铁 ________________ 在船/飞机等上 ________________ 采取不同的路线 ________________ 结束 ________________ 以 ……结束 ________________ 一个说英语的国家 ________________ 度假 ________________ 四分之三的人口 ________________ 在睡觉 ________________ 醒着的 ________________ 醒来 ________________ 叫醒某人 ________________ 一年到头 ________________ 到中午时 ________________ on/at the weekend ________________ be crowded ________________ look through ________________ come along ________________ cross a busy street ________________ have a hard time doing sth ________________ help sb with sth ________________ at most ________________ an exchange student ________________ prepare for ________________ II.用适当的词填空,注意短语的搭配。 1. He is funny. _________ ________ whenI see him, I’ll laugh. 2. He is sure _________ come. 3. How are you _________ _________ with your classmates? 4. I always _________ _________my mother when I see the photo. 5.If you don’t know how to use the word, you can _________ _________ your notebook. 6. The food isn’t good enough, but at _________it is cheap. 错误!未找到引用源。. 选用恰当的短语并用其正确的形式填空。 swim across, do one’s homework, not…until, get along, find out, go through 1. They ______________ the forest at last. 2. Can you ______________the river 3. I ________ go to bed _________ my mother came back. 4. She spends two hours ______________ every day. 5. How’s Sam ______________ at university? 6. I must ______________ who broke the glass. 经典句型再现 错误!未找到引用源。.补全句子。 1. A: Have you _______ been to Water World? B: No, I’ve _______ been there. A: _______ have I. Let’s go! B: I’d really love to go, but I don’t have any money. A: Well, let’s to skating _______. B: That’s a great _______. Could I _______ your bike? I want to go home to get my skates. 2. A: It always rains on the weekend, _______ it? B: Yes. It rains every Saturday! Do you think it’ll stop _______ noon? A: I hope _______


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