高一英语test for unit 1 book iv.doc

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高一英语test for unit 1 book iv.doc

高一英语Test for Unit 1 Book IV I.单项填空 (1×25分) 1. --- Excuse me, may I ask you some questions? --- Sorry, I’m too busy and I haven’t even a minute to __________. A. spend B. share C. spare D. stop 2. ---Does he work hard at his lesson? ---Yes, he ________ no effort, I dare say. A protects B determines C spares D wastes 3. You don’t have to _________the umbrellas; I’ll give you one each. A. advertise B. be used to C. share D. persuade 4. We have to __________ the practical measures. A. come out B. come up with C. come up D. come about 5. The crowd is too noisy, but anyway I have to make myself ______ to them because the news is so important to them. A. supposed     B. understood   C. heard     D. known 6. I was looking through China Daily when an _______ for a second-hand car attracted my attention. A. advertise B. advertising C. advertisements D. advertisement 7. We _________ him to stop surfing the internet, but he wouldn’t listen. A. persuaded B. tried to persuade C. suggested D. demanded 8. Would you __________ me a good dictionary? A. command B. demand C. recommend D. recommendation 9. The mother is _________about her son’s future. A. cared B. known C. concerned D. impressed 10. _______is a highly developed twentieth-century industry. A. Advertisement B. Advertising C. Advertise D. Advertiser 11. The newly published book, which refers _______ basic English grammar, is _________only for beginners. A. as; meant B. for; intended C. to; planned D. to; intended 12. The official, who had much ________ at dealing __________ troublesome affairs, was shot to death by a terrorist. A. experiment; with B. experience; with C. experiences; for D. experienced; for 13. The popular musician was asked ________ she should intend to be her partner in the next concert. A. what B. whom C. how D. when 14. --- Was the judge _________ with the result? --- I d


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