高一英语unit 14要点综合.doc

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高一英语unit 14要点综合.doc

高一英语Unit?14要点综合 Key points 1.listening and speaking 1If you dont know of any festivals,you can ask your teacher for help.  know of  [用法]知道;了解,懂得(同know about)  [举例]There is one or two things Id like to know about.     有一两件事我很想知道。  ask for  [用法]1. 要,要求 2. 找(人)  [举例]The miners are asking for another increase in pay.     煤矿工人正在要求再次加薪。     Theres an old man at the door, asking for you.     门口有一位老人找你。 2When is the festival celebrated?  celebrate  [用法]vt. 庆祝 vi. 庆祝,过节  [举例]We held a party to celebrate our success.     我们举行宴会庆祝我们的成功。     Today is his birthday, so were going to celebrate.     今天是他的生日,所以我们要庆祝一下。  [联想]celebration n. 1.庆祝 2.庆祝活动,庆典[C]  [举例]The party was in celebration of Mothers silver wedding.     聚会是为庆祝母亲的银婚。     A Fourth of July celebration includes a display of fireworks.     七月四日独立纪念日庆典包括燃放烟火。 3What are some important themes,for example family and peace?  theme  [用法]n.[C]1. 论题,话题,题目 2. 主题,主题思想;题材 3. (学生的)作文,文章  [举例]The main theme of discussion was press censorship.     讨论的主题是新闻审查制度。     The theme of the poem is love and peace.     这首诗的主题是爱与和平。     Our school themes must be written in ink and on white paper.     我们学校的作文要用墨水写在白纸上。 4The two main popular symbols of Easter are the Easter Bunny and Easter egg.  symbol  [用法]n.[C]1. 象征,标志[(+of)] 2. 记号,符号[(+for)]  [举例]The white bird is a symbol of freedom.     这白色的鸟是自由的象征。     We use x as the symbol for an unknown quantity.     我们用x表示一个未知数。 5No fighting or conflicts are allower on Peace Day.  conflict  [用法]n.[C]1. 冲突,抵触,不一致,分歧(+between) 2. 斗争,争执,战斗(+between)  [举例]This is an irreconcilable conflict.     这是一个不可调和的矛盾。     Armed conflict is likely to break out between the two countries.     这两国间有可能发生武装冲突。 6No pollution or destruction of natures is allowed.  destruction  [用法]n.1. 破坏;毁灭;消灭  [举例]The flood caused serious destruction to the railway.     洪水严重毁坏了铁路。  [联想]construction n.1. 建造,建设;建造术 2. 建筑物,建造物[C]  [举例]The new school is still under construction.     新学校还在建造中。     The building is a construction of wood.     这是木质


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