高一英语unit 22 a world of fun 提高作业.doc

高一英语unit 22 a world of fun 提高作业.doc

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高一英语unit 22 a world of fun 提高作业.doc

高一英语Unit 22 A world of fun 提高作业 Goals:1.Practise giving directions2.Learn to use ing-form 一、Write the key words or phrases from memory(默写重点单词与词组)10分 1.赛车_________2.消遣,娱乐_________ 3.吸引力_________4.少数_________ 5.使激动,使胆战心惊_________6.会话_________7.机构________8.划分_________ 9.部分,区域_________ 10.发现_________11.航天飞机_________ 12.冒险_________ 13.伤害 _________14.成就,功绩_________15.直升飞机_________ 16.漆黑 17.扭曲,盘旋_________18.飞溅_________19.想象力 _________ 计师_________ 二、Word spelling(单词拼写)10分 1.What do you think you can see in a t_________ park. 2.In China,besides Han nationality,there are 55 _________(少数民族). 3.I like Chinese _________(传统的)festivals. 4.Unluckily,I _________(扭)my leg when I walked down the hill quickly. 5.In the old society people had a tough life beyond _________(想象). 6.In Nanchang Teng Wang Tower is a big a_________ to tourists. 7.China has made rapid a_________ in space technology. 8.Life itself is a kind of _________(冒险). 9.Bungee jumping is a t_________ sport which young people like. 10.They kept talking and talking.It seemed as if their conversation would be e_________. 三、Rewrite the following sentences(句型转换)5分 1.Many people come to theme parks and look for thrills and entertainment. Many people come to theme parks,_________ _________ thrills and entertainments. 2.When visitors leave the park,they know more about the idea behind it. Visitors leave the park,_________ more about the idea behind it. 3.After visitors have enjoyed the thrill rides,they can take a cable car down the hill. _________ _________ the thrill rides,_________ can take a cable car down the hill. 4.As he was ill,he didnt go to school._________ ill,he didnt go to school. 5.He was not able to settle this problem,so he turned to his teacher for help. Not _________ _________ _________ settle the problem,he turned to his teacher for help. 四、Multiple choice(单项选择)15分 1.—Did you reach the top of the mountain?—Yes.Even I myself didnt believe I could ___ it. A.work  B.climbC.make D.get 2.The more he thought ab


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