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高一英语U01课堂同步练习     on purpose     get along / on with     pay the bill     cheat in the exam     a series of facts     答案according to     答案:quarrel with sb. Over / about sth.    答案:put away    答案:feel at home    答案:holdin ones power     答案:come to / draw / reach a conclusion    答案:walk the dog  2 单项填空   1Youd better _______ your score and see if you have passed the exam.   A. add up to  B. add to  C. add up  D. add   解析:add up to意思是总计;add to意思是增添都不合题意。add up(把加起来合适,故答案为C。另外,还有一个短语是add to,意思是把加到。例如:Please add some sugar to the coffee.   答案C   2Tomorrow the holiday will be over. We must get my homework   A. done  B. to do  C. doing  D. to be done   解析:get sth. done是固定句式,意思和have sth. done相同。   答案:A   The problems at home may have effect on ones job. If a man often quarrels with his wife, his work will_______.   A. fail     B. suffer  C. fall    D. lose   解析:A、C、D的意思分别为:失败、下降、失去。suffer可作受损失讲,符合题意。另外suffer还作受苦,受罪讲,suffer from的意思是受之苦,患(疾病)。   答案:B   Although I often send e-mails to Tom, I have never seen him_______.   A. eye to eye   B. face to face  C. with eyes  D. on my own   解析:B的意思是面对面;D的意思是依靠自己,根据题意应选B。   答案:B   His face looks brown(褐色because he works _______ all day.   A. indoors  B. outdoors  C. indoor  D. outdoor   解析:indoor和outdoor是形容词,只能作定语,indoors和outdoors即可作形容词,又可作副词,可用来作状语。但根据题意只有outdoors在室外,符合题意。   答案:B   6Our studies _______ since we came to this school.   A. have been getting on well  B. have been getting along with   C. have been getting well  D. have been getting along   解析:谈到某人在某方面进展如何时,可用sb. get on / along with sth.说某事进展顺利时,后面不用介词with,故答案为A。   答案:A   7I have fallen behind in my study, so I have got to _______(Which of the following answer is not right?)   A. make an effort       B. make efforts   C. study hard      D. make effort   解析:A、B、C三个选项放在句中都能讲得通。effort和make构成短语  答案:D   8If you feel upset at seeing him, you may avoid _______   A. him         B. to meet him   C. meeting him      D. meet him   解析:avoid后面跟名词、代词或动名词,但A的意思不对,所以只能选动名词形式C。注意avoid经常考查


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