【精品课件】Unit 12 Period 4 5 课件N.ppt

【精品课件】Unit 12 Period 4 5 课件N.ppt

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* 1a Put these words in the correct columns in the chart . Some words can go in more than one column . N V A N N N N V V V V V V V V A A A V 1b Tell your partner about something that happened to you recently . Use two or more words in 1a. 1c Dave, Nick and Joe are talking about April Fool’s Day. Listen and write each person’s name and under the correct picture . Dave Joe Nick 1d Listen again . Who says each of the phrases below . Write D for Dave, N for Nick and J for Joe . D J N J N 1e Tell April Fool’s Day stories in your group . Use the information in 1c and 1d. 2a Have you ever played jokes on others, especially on April Fool’s Day ? Have you ever been fooled by others ? Tell your story to your partner . 2b Read the passage quickly . Then match each paragraph with the main idea . 2c Read the passage again and answer the questions . Because many people believed the report in England and ran to buy as many spaghetti as they could in their local supermarkets. The TV show said that the special water could help people lose weight . Because the lady really wanted to get married when she was asked by the famous TV star . 3. Why did the TV star’s joke have a bad ending? 4. When did Orson Welles tell people about aliens from Mars landing on the earth? 5. Why did so many people believe Orson Welles? In October , 1938. Because he made it sound so real . 6. Which of these stories is the most believable? Which is the least believable? Why? I think the most believable story is that the famous TV star asked his girlfriend to marry him. Because such thing is quite possible . The least believable story is that the spaghetti farmer in Italy had stopped growing it . Because the spaghetti can’t be grown by farmers . 7. Would you be fooled by any of these stories? The answer will vary . 2d Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. After the spaghetti story ________(appear) in the news, everyone_________ (ru



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