2012年十月在职攻硕考试英语考前辅导 系统精讲班讲义(二)_精品.pdf

2012年十月在职攻硕考试英语考前辅导 系统精讲班讲义(二)_精品.pdf

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2012年十月在职攻硕考试英语考前辅导 系统精讲班讲义(二)_精品

2012 年十月在职攻硕考试英语考前辅导 系统精讲班讲义(二) ——联考英语、GCT 口语交际 地址:北京市海淀区中关村南大街甲 27 号中扬大厦 2 层 学习服务电话:010 课程咨询电话:010 学习网址: MSN 邮箱:geedu@163.com QQ :371808070 精致服务 ·卓越品质 感谢 1. A: That was a delicious meal, Mrs. Barr. Thank you very much. B: A .You’re welcome. B .Never mind. C .It doesn’t matter. D .It’s just OK. 2. A: Thank you so much for the wonderful dinner. Tom and I really enjoyed it. (07 联) B: ______________________ A. I’m glad you made it. B. You’re quite welcome. C. I like to share with others. D. You’re always my best friends. 3. A: Thank you very much for inviting us to such a delightful dinner. (07GCT ) B:____ A. You are quite welcome B. You are so polite. C. Don’t use thanks D. Don’t be so polite 4. A: Your help means everything. I just don’t know how I’ll ever repay you. B:_______. It’s nothing! (04GCT) A. It’s no big deal B. It’s not a big thing to do C. It’s worth mentioning D. It’s not worth talking about 5. A: Thanks a lot. I really enjoyed your company. (06GCT ) B: Don’t mention it. ____. A. Sorry to keep you out B. Many happy returns of the day C. Same here D. You’re too polite 6. Cindy: Thanks for all your help. Joe: No problem. Have a good day. Cindy:_______. Thanks again. Bye. A. I will B. It will be C. You too D. I think so 7. Interviewer: Mr. Wang,



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