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必克英语 2013 年 9 月三期|月亮情结 Feelings for the Moon —— 本 期 目 录 —— —— 微聚焦—— 【微聚焦】月亮情结Feelings for the Moon —— 微课堂—— 【微口语】中秋说“圆”,你会说吗?How to Express “Round” 【微听力】现今人们是如何过中秋节的?How People Celebrate Mid-Autumn 【微翻译】月是故乡明,那些与“月亮”有关的英语翻译Translations Concerning “Moon” 【微阅读】中秋节月饼:包装价格月亮之上Prices Above the Moon —— 微情调—— 【微语录】赏月迎中秋,千里送祝福Wishes Go Thousand Miles 【微智慧】你OUT 了吗?中秋吃月饼?Eating Mooncakes ,Old-fashioned 【微星座】约会处女座男生应注意什么?Dating Virgo Boys —— 微分享—— 【微音乐】《Cant Fight The Moonlight》(Leann Rimes ) 【微影评】《黑帮家庭》(The Family ) 【微书评】《月亮宝石》(The Moonstone ) —— 微动态—— 【成功在Spiiker】恭喜 Spiiker 电话英语学员李梦茹成功通过雅思考试 【微聚焦】月亮情结Feelings for the Moon 自古以来,中国人就有着浓浓的“月亮情结”,对月抒怀, 以月寄情。宋朝大文豪苏东坡的那句“但愿人长久,千里共婵 娟”道出对家人团聚的渴望。而唐代诗人张若虚的《春江花月 夜》,也有一部分内容表达了身处异地的亲人,通过一轮圆月来 寄托月圆人团圆的渴望。无论你走到哪儿,只要抬头,都能看 到月亮,所以月亮成了游子、亲人寄托情感的对象。如今中秋 节到了,不知道此时此刻的你,是在和家人“笑谈赏月”,还是独自一人“望月思乡”呢?But anyway ,祝中秋节 快乐!【编者语】 In Chinese minds, the moon is associated with gentleness and brightness, expressing the beautiful yearnings of the Chinese. On the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar, the moon is full and it is time to mark the Moon Festival, or the Mid-Autumn Festival. The round shape symbolizes family reunion. Therefore the day is a holiday for family members to get together and enjoy the full moon - an auspicious token of abundance, harmony, and luck. 在中国人心里,月亮总是与“温柔”“明亮”这些词联系在一起的,这 样的联想表达了中国人美好的祈望。中国人在农历八月十五日过中秋节,这是一个家人团聚赏月的节日,因为圆圆 的月亮象征着阖家团圆。“满月”在中国文化中是一个象征丰饶、和谐和幸运的吉祥符号。 (1 )The Customs of sacrificing the Moon 中秋祭月的习俗 From the royalty to the populace, it is an important custom to sacrifice to and appreciate the moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival. 从王公贵族到平民百姓,中秋祭月和赏月都是非常重要的习俗。 During the Mid-Autumn Festival, sons and daughters come back to their parents’ house. Sometimes people who have settled overseas will return to visit their parents. Adults will usually indulge in fragr


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