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氧驱动雾化吸入与空气压缩泵雾化吸入治疗小儿哮喘的比较 ?艾美莲,花响岭,胡新和 抚州市第一医院儿科 江西抚州 344000 [摘要]? 目的 比较氧驱动雾化吸入与空气压缩泵雾化吸入治疗小儿哮喘疗效及优缺点,探讨小儿哮喘治疗的最佳吸入方法。 方法 ?2007年1月--2009年1月我科收治的小儿支气管哮喘急性发作120例,随机分成两组,每组60例,在相同综合治疗的基础上,观察组用氧驱动雾化吸入布地萘德气雾剂0.5 mg+复方异丙托溴铵溶液0.8 ml+生理盐水1 ml,每天2次, 对照组采用空气压缩泵雾化吸入相同药物及次数,治疗4天后观察每组疗效,同时观察两组雾化吸入前后血氧饱和度变化。结果 吸入治疗4天后,观察组显效25例(41.7%),好转32例(53.3%),总有效57例(95.0%),无效3例(5.0%);对照组显效18例(30.0%),好转27例(45.0%),总有效45例(75.0%),无效15例(25.0%),观察组总有效率显著高于对照组(P0.05)。观察组血氧饱和度在雾化吸入前为91.5±5.1(%),雾化吸入后为96.3±3.9(%),雾化吸入后血氧饱和度显著提高(P0.05);对照组血氧饱和度在雾化吸入前为92.1±4.8(%),雾化吸入后为92.3±4.2(%),雾化吸入前后差异无显著性(p0.05)。结论 ?氧驱动雾化和空气压缩泵雾化吸入均是治疗小儿哮喘急性发作的有效方法,但氧驱动雾化吸入治疗效果优于空气压缩泵雾化吸入,并可提高患者血氧饱和度,是目前治疗小儿哮喘急性发作的首选方法。 [关键词]? 氧驱动雾化器 空气压缩泵雾化器??? 哮喘 氧饱和度 Comparison of inhalation by Oxygen jet nebulizer with air compress pump nebuliser in treating children asthma AI Mei-lian, HUA Xiang-ling, HU Xin-he Paediatrics Department,the First Hospital of Fuzhou, Fuzhou 344100, Jiangxi,China [Abstract] Objective To compare the effect, virtue and shortcoming of inhalation by oxygen jet nebulizer with air compress pump nebuliser in treating children asthma, so as to find the best inhalation method to treat children asthma. Methods 120 cases with acute bronchial asthma treated in our department from January 2007 to January 2009 were divided randomly into two groups, each group involved 60 cases. Except for same general treatment,the observe group inhaled 0.5mg Budesonide aerosol and 0.8ml complex Ipratropine solution and 1 ml normal sodium each time by oxygen nebulizer twice a day, and the control group inhaled the same drug and same time by air compress pump nebuliser. The effect of two groups treated four days as well as oxygen saturation of blood after and before nebulization inhalation were observed. Results After inhaling four days, 57 (95.0%) cases were effective to treatment in observe group but 3(5.0%) cases invalid, including 25 (41.7%) prominently effective cases and 32(53.3%) mend cases, however, only 45(



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