温州地区Gofor it Book A Unit (Revision).ppt

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温州地区Gofor it Book A Unit (Revision)

篮球比赛 郊游 讲演比赛 英语晚会 排球比赛 学校上课日 校庆日 艺术节 音乐节 September 26th When is her /his birthday? January 18th When is her /his birthday? Cai Yilin 出生日期:1980-9-15 专长:唱歌 爱好:看电影、出外游玩 最爱的颜色:白、黑、粉红 最喜欢的宠物 小狗 的生日(pet’s birthday) May 1st What’s her name? When is…birthday? What’s her favorite…? Name: Mary Green Date of Birth: March 21st Age: 22 Favorite color: red Favorite fruit: apple Name: Jay Date of Birth: Nov. 15th Age: 24 Favorite food: ice cream Favorite color: black Make a survey Favorite sport/ color… 14 Age September 5th Lily Food for lunch/dinner Date of birth Name My name is…My birthday is … I’m... My favorite color is…I like …for lunch. Lily’s birthday is… She is ... Her favorite sport is… In my group,…is the youngest(最年轻)….is the oldest.(年龄最大). When is your birthday? How old …? What’s your favorite…? I’m happy to know much about you. Do you want to know about me? I have a School Day at my school. party 晚会,聚会 Christmas party 圣诞晚会 English party 英语聚会 birthday party 生日晚会 school trip 学校组织的观光或郊游 Art Festival 艺术节 Music Festival 音乐节 艺术节 speech contest 演讲比赛 Chinese Speech contest English speech contest basketball game volleyball game basketball game  school trip speech contest English party  volleyball game  school day  School Day   Art Festival Music Festival We do many things at school. * Unit 8 When is your birthday? By Catherine 复习内容: 1.掌握日期表达(月份和日期) 2.序数词1-31的使用 3.谈论自己、同学、家人的生日 4.询问年龄 5.理解生日更多的含义 By Ni Xiaowei There are twelve months in a year. What are they? months of the year J ne A gust S ptember M y N vember Apr l Which month is it ? u u e a o i Oct ber M ch Decemb F bruary J ly J nuary Which month is it ? o ar er e u a 1st first 2nd second 3rd third 4th fourth 5th fifth 6th sixth 7th seventh 8th eighth 9th ninth 10th tenth 11th eleventh 12th twelfth 13ththirteenth 14th fourteenth 15th fifteenth 16th sixteenth 17th seventeenth 18th eighteenth 19th nineteenth 2


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