【优化方案】高二英语(人教版必修7)Unit4SectionⅢ课时作业 .docVIP

【优化方案】高二英语(人教版必修7)Unit4SectionⅢ课时作业 .doc

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Ⅰ.阅读理解 A When Washington manicurist (美甲师) Lidia Schaefer returned to her native village in Ethiopia,she was troubled by what she saw: children walking three hours each day to attend classes held not in a school,but under a tree. When she learned in 1998 that one of the girls she’d met—Medhine—had been killed by a wild dog after falling behind other children during the long walk home from school,Schaefer knew she had to act.“That really pushed me to do it,”she says,“to build a school so that that wouldn’t happen again.” Schaefer persuaded the Ethiopian government to donate land in a central location to build a school so that the school could serve children from several nearby villages. Back in Washington,Schaefer began setting aside money for the construction of the school.“I was working two days for the school and four days for myself,” she recalls.But Schaefer realized it wasn’t enough.In 2002,she gave up the symbols of her American dream,selling her house and car—a sacrifice that still surprises her friends. For Schaefer,it was simply a matter of doing what she felt was right.“I_don’t_work_with_my_head_but_with_my_heart.I want the children to learn,to get something out of life,”she says. Schaefer finally raised more than $ 250,000 for the school,which was completed in 2006.Today,nearly 1,500 students are educated in the school,which boasts an eight-building campus with 16 classrooms,a science lab,and a library. Though she’d hoped to name the school after Medhine,the government—which runs the school—named it the Lidia Secondary School,telling Schaefer,“We want it to be your name so that students will be encouraged to be like you.” “She’s very inspiring to me,” says Gonzalez.“I’ve learned from Lidia that no matter how big a project is,if your heart is in it,you can do it.” 【解题导语】 本文介绍了一位住在美国的妇女为祖国埃塞俄比亚的儿童建立一所学校的事迹。 1.What inspired Lidia to build a school in Ethiopia? A.The sight of students learning under a tree. B.The long distance students had to walk to school.



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