某矿35KV变电所设计 毕业设计.doc

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某矿35KV变电所设计 毕业设计

河南理工大学毕业设计(论文)说明书 摘 要 本次设计的内容紧密结合实际,通过查找大量相关资料,设计出符合当前要求的变电所。设计中除采用了一些固定方式的保护和常规保护外,还采用微机保护,通过电力监控综合自动化系统,可以使变电站内值班人员或调度中心的人员及时掌握变电所的运行情况,直接对设备进行操作,及时了解故障情况,并迅速进行处理,达到供电系统的管理科学化、规范化、并且还可以做到与其他自动化系统互换数据,充分发挥整体优势,进行全系统的信息综合管理。 在本次设计中,得到了学校老师、同学的耐心指导和大量帮助,在此对他们表示衷心的感谢和崇高的敬意。 关键词:负荷计算;电气主接线设计;短路电流计算; 防雷; 继电保护; - 1 - 河南理工大学毕业设计(论文)说明书 Abstract This paper describes the 35 kV of a mine down the substation design. In the main connection of choice, the choice of high-voltage equipment, load calculation, short-circuit current basis, the protection of various options and setting calculation there are detailed instructions. In particular the choice of the main cable, transformers choice, there are some electrical equipment such as circuit breakers, current transformers, high voltage transformer, and so the choice of checking a detailed description and analysis. It also substation on the main wiring, layout, adjacent to the high number of low-voltage protection devices, such as through the CAD drawing intuitive shown. The design of the content in close connection with reality, the large number of relevant information by looking design with the current requirements of the substation. In addition to the design of a number of fixed form of protection and the protection of conventional, but also a microprocessor-based protection, power monitoring through integrated automation system will enable the staff on duty within the substation or the dispatch center staff make the best of the operation of substations, directly to the equipment Operate, failure to understand the situation timely and speedy processing, power supply system to the management of scientific, standardized, and also can be done with the other automated data exchange system, give full play to the advantage of a system-wide information management. In this design, by the school teachers and students for their patience and guidance to help a lot in this for them to express my sincere gratitude and highest respe


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