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国际商标许可合同格式 国际商标许可合同格式 TRADEMARK LICEN ING AGREEMENT Whole Doc. 本协议由________公司(以下称为许可方)__________(以下称为被许可方)于________年___月___日签订。 Agreement made this ___________day of ______________, between ___________(hereinafter called Licensor), and ________(hereinafter called Licensee): 鉴于许可方拥有具有一定价值并经注册的商标和服务标志,且拥有并可出售其他如附文第一节所述的许可方财产,其中包括“商标”。这一商标在广播或电视中经常使用,并出现在各种促销和广告业务中,得到公众的广泛认可,在公众印象中与许可方有密切关系;鉴于被许可方意于在制造、出售、分销产品时使用这一商标; WITNESSETH Whereas Licensor owns certain valuable registered trademarks and service marks, and owns and has merchandising rights to various other Licensor properties as defined in paragraph 1 of the Rider attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof (hereinafter called Name), said Name having been used over the facilities of numerous stations in radio and/or television broadcasting in allied fields, and in promotional and advertising material in different businesses and being well Known and recognized by the general public and associated in the public mind with Licensor, and Whereas Licensee desires to utilize the Name upon and in connection with the manufacture, sale and distribution of articles hereinafter described, 因此考虑到双方的保证,达成如下协议: Now, Therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises herein contained, it is hereby agreed: 一、授权许可 1 Grant of License 1.产品 (a) Articles 根据以下规定的条款,许可方授与被许可方,被许可方接受单独使用这一商标的许可权力,且只在制造和出售、分销以下产品的使用。(加入产品描述) Upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, Licensor hereby grants to Licensee as a related company, and Licensee hereby accepts the right, license and privilege of utilizing th Name solely and only upon and in connection with the manufacture, sale and distribution of the following articles. (insert description) 2.地域 (b) Territory 许可协议只在________地区有效。被许可方同意不在其他地区直接或间接使用或授权使用这一商标,且不在知情的情况下向有意或有可能在其他地区出售协议下产品的第三者销售该产品。 The license hereby granted extends only to ________________. Licensee agrees that it will not make, or authorize, any use, direct or indirect, of the Name in any other area, and that it will not


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