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网络营销基础卢宝周2014 Spring Week9-Week17本节教学内容案例网络营销与传统营销网络营销定义网络营销工具网络营销理论互联网对于营销的影响?沟通市场(买方总和)商品或服务行业(卖方总和)Internet?货币信息案例1:传统电商 Amazon 淘宝案例1:传统电商 Amazon 淘宝案例2:Threadless案例2:Threadless Threadless是一家基于社区的在线T恤公司。他们邀请设计师设计T恤并且择粉丝选的款式卖。可以想象,他们有相当的粉丝参与度(每条帖子都有评论)。 Threadless大部分产品是在线销售的,所以有竞争性的照片至关重要。但他们本着取之于民用之于民的 品牌策略,邀请普通人做模特,进行真实有趣的产品推广。 Threadless的一大特色就是让顾客参与设计与选品。许多企业都遵循这个原则,举办比赛或挑战赛邀请 顾客参与开发新的产品、流程或者概念并邀请顾客投票,从中获益。案例2:Threadless案例3:Dell用心倾听Dell在2010年12月份推出了自己的倾听平台——社交媒体倾听控制中心(Social Media Listening Command Center),通过该中心平均要监控和个话题,涉及11种语言。通过倾听辨认出客服需要解决的事情,以及那些对品牌支持的声音,dell在facebook上直接提供客户支持,帮助工具以及论坛来为用户解决相关的twitter上,dell通过账号@DellCares来为用户提供客户服务。Dell还训练了5000多个雇员,将倾听和用户建立关系作为重要的一部分工作。案例3:Dell Hell!“Dell Hell” was a term coined by influential blogger Jeff Jarvis.The series of posts began on 21 June 2005, in a post that has elicited over 250 comments to date. “DELL SUCKS. DELL LIES. Put that in your Google and smoke it, Dell.”Eventually, he worked out the email address of Dell’s Chief Marketing Officer and Vice President for US Consumer Business and sent him an email detailing the ongoing saga that was not being resolved. Predictably, Jeff Jarvis received a phone call, and eventually the matter was resolved when he obtained a refund in July 2005.These posts caused the first popular study of the influence of blogs on brands, and have come to be definitive of the effects of a brand not listening.案例3:Dell Hell: The end? October 18, 2007?by?Jeff JarvisMy?column?reporting on my visit to Dell headquarters and my interview with Michael Dell just went up on?Business Week.After giving?Dell?hell?two years ago, I may well be accused of throwing them a wet kiss now. It’s a positive piece. But it’s hard not to praise them when they ended up doing everything I was pushing in my?open letter to Michael Dell. I’m not saying that I caused that, just that we ended up agreeing and they ended up seeing the value in listening to and ceding control to customers. They reached out to bloggers;?the
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