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一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分 学校 班级 姓名 温馨提示:小朋友们,今天我们将共同完成本次期中考试的试 题,相信大家一定能够认真听、努力做、开动脑 筋,交出一份工整满意的答卷。加油啊! 听力部分(30点) 一、 听音选词语。(10点) ( ) 1. Aperson Bpractise C paper ( ) 2. A soon B special C sick ( ) 3. A win B won C wall ( ) 4. A bicycle B bought C brought ( ) 5. A finish B finger C fever 二、 听问句选答句(10点) ( ) 1. A. I’ve got a stomach ache. B. I lived in London. ( ) 2. A.Yes, I did. B.Yes,I do. ( ) 3. A. He’s reading a letter. B. He reads a letter. ( ) 4. A. They went to school. B. They did their homework. ( ) 5. A. Yes, I do. B . Yes, I can. 三、 听音,填空:(10点) Was had were wanted ran cried eat heads away then There ____a big monster.It ____three ____.The monster____to__ the children.The children ___ ____.____I____! Look,Tom.The monster didn’t eat the children. 笔试部分(70点) 四、 选择适当的字母:(10点) ( )1 pra___se A ac B kt C ct ( )2 fini__ A sh B th C gh ( )3 th___sty Air B or C rr ( )4 we__t An Bl C t ( )5 __pril A a B A C E ( )6 Ameri__ A can B ean C oin ( )7 yest__day A ir B er C or ( )8 bi ____ le Acic Bcyc C ycy ( )9 m__tain A aun B oun C eun ( )10 f__ver A i B o C e 五 按要求写出下列单词的对应形式:(20点) 1 go过去式________ 2 see过去式________ 3 walk单数第三人称形式________ 4 eat过去式________ 5 dance现在分词________ 6 buy过去式________ 7 child复数________ 8 come过去式________ 9 play过去式________ 10 clean反义词________ 六、连词成句 1.happened, you, to, what cut I finger 3.yesterday,eat ,what,you,did 4.a, got ,Amy,has,headache 5.home ,medicine, go, take ,and ,this 七读判断,与短文相符写T,不相符的写F (10点) Yesterday was aa holiday.Daming went to the zoo with his parents.They saw lions and tigers.He ate some ice cream,hamburgers,bananas and apples.He had got a stomach ache.He went to see the doctor and took some medicine,He is well now. ( )1.Yesterday Daming went to the zoo. ( )2.He saw tigers and monkeys there. ( )3.He ate too much. (


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