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浅谈家庭用药安全 作者:孔令金 指导老师:卢梦辉 【摘要】:如今,在家中放一些常用药以备急用,已经是很多人的习惯做法。但是用药的安全问题还是应引起大家的重视,比如:药品保质期,成人和儿童的服用剂量,老年人、儿童、孕妇等特殊人群用药的注意事项等等。本文主要就家庭用药安全问题做出探讨。一、家庭用药的现状1、盲目去医院就诊、配药或到社会药店购药,囤积在家,认为“有备无患”;2、用药不遵医嘱,不看(有的看不懂)说明书,自以为久病成医,自己疾病自己会医,擅自增减剂量或停药;3、用药习惯固执,长期服用某种药品而不定期作相关体检;4、热衷于使用抗菌药物甚至有滥用的现象,误认为抗菌药物可治“百病”;5、迷信或盲目推崇进口药或广告宣传的药品;6、滥用滋补保健药;7、认为中药无毒可随意服用。二、家庭用药的危险因素:1、备存药品种类广、数量多,盲目性大(非按需备用),有的还把药品作为礼品馈赠;2、药品放置随意,无固定贮存容器,未遵循避光、防热、防潮和高处置放等保质安全要求;3、药品管理不严,存而不理、贮而不管现象普遍;4、对于药品有效期和质量不做定期检查,过期药品数量多、时间久,其中最长失效达20年之久。凡此种种现象提示,社区居民中安全用药理念薄弱,此乃为药源性疾病或ADR发生的主要原因之一。我们也曾遇有不少ADR发生的病例,如服用B受体阻滞剂长达5年之久,患者擅自停药而致恶性心律失常发生;长期服用抗心律失常药,不遵定期复查心电图医嘱而致心脏骤停;自认为“感冒”经常擅自服用解热镇痛剂而致全血细胞降低;超量长期服用滋补药而致慢性肾功能不全等。 Nowadays, at home put some drugs commonly used for emergencies, already was many people practice. But the safety problem should cause everybodys attention, such as: drug shelf-life, adult and child dose, the elderly, children, pregnant women and other special groups use matters needing attention and so on. This paper mainly discussed the family medication safety. One, current situation of 1 family medicine, blind to hospital, dispensing or to community pharmacies, hoarding in the home, think be prepared against want; 2, medication noncompliance, not (or cannot read ) specification, think long illness Cheng Yi, their own medical disease, to increase or decrease in dose or discontinuation; 3 stubborn, drug habits, long-term administration of some drugs without regular related physical examination; 4, enthusiasm for the use of antimicrobial drugs and even abused, mistaken for antibacterial drugs to cure it sickness; 5, superstition and blind worship of imported drugs or advertising of drugs; 6, the abuse of health tonic medicine; traditional Chinese medicine 7, considered nontoxic can freely take. Two, family medicine risk factors: 1, keep medicines wide, amount is much, blindness ( non-on-demand standby), and some also the drug as a gift; 2, the medicines are placed at random, without a fixed storage conta



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