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毕业论文 论文题目: 电子商务对传统零售业的影响及对策研究 学 院 名 称 : 学 生 姓 名 : 专 业 : 学 号 : 指 导 教 师 : 摘 要 伴随着信息技术的迅速发展,电子商务已经成为目前零售业一种极为重要的营销工具。随着电子商务的迅速发展,传统零售业受电子商务的影响业越来越大。目前传统零售业的发展规模在不断扩大,但受电子商务的影响,发展速度日趋缓慢,行业竞争日趋激烈。 本文选择了我国传统零售业与电子商务为研究对象,从基本理论出发,结合数据对两者现状进行分析。紧接着以传统零售业与电子商务最典型的两家企业为例,深入分析其优劣势,结合理论知识,对传统零售业与电子商务的SWOT进行分析,然后分析出电子商务对传统零售业的影响。最后根据以上问题寻找出在电子商务背景下传统零售业的发展道路。受电子商务影响,传统零售业商品的交易链将日趋扁平化,传统零售业的中间商地位在不断下降,利润空间不断缩小,商业模式与电子商务相比也相对单一,千店一面。 本文主要目的是为了解决目前电子商务背景下传统零售业的具体发展道路。首先,传统零售业可以在经营范围、模式、内容上进行创新,走差异化发展路线,打造自身独特的品牌路线。其次,电子商务对传统零售业不仅仅是挑战,同时也是机遇。传统零售业可以借助电子商务,发展线上+线下模式,扩大市场,改变单一销售方式。 【关键词】电子商务 传统零售业 经营模式 创新 ABSTRACT The traditional retail sales enterprise starts from 2011 year on to face the high cost, the high competition, the resources monopoly, the low repayment continuously, difficult to expand and so on the difficult problems. Also the traditional retail enterprises return rate more and lower, costs are getting higher and higher, so it is difficult to expand. In addition to the above difficulties and pressure, the next five to ten years, the traditional retail industry will usher in a large number of stores, property lease expires, lease cost costs rising, or even rent growth rate will reach 30%-50%. The traditional retail industry will usher in the most intense competition in ten years. The industrys future is full of variables. Of course, the challenge also has the opportunity; Chinese traditional retail industry is also faced with many development opportunities, in 2012 year. This paper choose our traditional retail industry and electronic commerce as the study object, Starting from the basic theory, Combining data and through analysis of the status of .Then the following closely by the traditional retail trade and the electronic commerce most typical two enterprises took the example and In-depth analysis of they advantages and disadvantages. Combine speculative knowle



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