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? ? 浅谈旅游景点解说词的特点及翻译策略-英语论文论文 精心收集--用心发布 HYPERLINK /jd1006 MEOIR-用心推荐 HYPERLINK /jd1006 /jd1006 ?   论文关键词:景点介绍? 翻译? 功能对等理论   论文摘要:随着我国加入世贸组织和成功申办2008年奥运会, 在未来的几年内将会有越来越多的外国游客来中国旅游。英语作为一种全球性的语言,在接待外国游客时将会是最重要的语言。为了迎合外国旅游者的需要,很多旅游机构和出版社都出了许多旅游资料,如景点介绍、旅游广告、景点告示、公共标识和旅游指南等。 旅游景点解说词是旅游资料翻译的难点。由于中西方巨大的文化差异,把中国旅游景点的解说词翻译成英文是一件非常困难的事情。现在,中国旅游景点解说词翻译的质量还远不尽如人意。因此,在这一方面的研究是非常必要和紧迫的。本论文以奈达的功能对等理论为理论基础,采用一些中国旅游景点解说词的英文翻译作为例子,来对旅游景点解说词英译中的现存问题进行研究并提供一些可能性的解决办法。   Introduction   After entering WTO and the countrys successful bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games, China will be visited by more and more foreign tourists in the years to come. English tourists’ materials among which scenic-spot introduction is one of the most important parts have become an effective way to publicize China and promote China’s tourist industry. However, various problems are still prevalent in formal and informal tourist materials and the translation quality of scenic-spot introductions and other tourist materials needs to be improved urgently. Therefore, the present thesis attempts to give an in-depth analysis of the existing problems in the C-E translation of scenic-spot introductions. On the basis of the analysis, tentative solutions are suggested. Both the analysis and the suggestion are based on Nida’s functional equivalence theory.   The present thesis is composed of four parts. Part one introduces the notions of tourist materials and scenic-spot introductions, and reviews the status qua of C-E translation of scenic-spot introductions. Part two employs Nida’s “functional equivalence theory” as the theoretical basis of the whole thesis. Part three presents us some typical examples of scenic-spot introductions, both Chinese and English. Then a detailed analysis will be conducted on these examples, in order to discover the common problems in translation of Chinese scenic-spot introduction. And the different features between Chinese and English scenic-spot introductions will be summed up through a c


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