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PAGE 陕西交通职业技术学院 毕业论文 题 目: 浅谈公路土方路基压实质量控制 系 部: 公路工程系 专 业: 道路桥梁工程技术 学 号: 10130904203 班 级: 路桥0942 姓 名: 胡盼盼 指导老师: 张鹏 2012年 5 月 17 摘要 近年来,随着国家对公路建设投资力度的加大,我国的公路工程建设十分迅速。路基是公路的重要组成部分,为使路基具有足够的强度与稳定性,必须予以压实以提高其密实程度。压实度不达标是造成路面破损,使用状况差,通行能力差,交通事故多的主要原因。所以,路基的压实工作是路基施工过程中一个重要的工序,同时,也是提高路基强度与稳定性的根本措施之一。影响路基压实度的因素有填土的好坏、地基处理、含水量控制、松铺厚度以及施工机械设备的配套情况等。现就对影响公路路基压实质量控制的因素作如下分析,只有正确避免了这些因素对压实度的影响,施工质量才能得到保证。 关键词:公路路基压实、压实度、含水量、质量、控制 Abstract In recent years, along with the country the highway construction investment, the strengthening of the highway engineering construction in our country is very quickly. Embankment is an important part of the road, for subgrade have the enough strength and stability, and must be compaction to improve its close-grained degree. To make the compaction degree is caused damage road, the use situation of poor, poor traffic capacity, the main reason for the more traffic accident. So, the roadbed compaction work is in the process of subgrade construction of an important process, at the same time, also improve the stability of roadbed strength and one of the fundamental measures. Affect the roadbed compaction degree factors are the stand or fall of the filled soil, foundation treatment, water control, loose the thickness and spread of the mechanical equipment supporting construction, etc. Now to influence the highway subgrade compaction quality control factors makes the following analysis, only the correct to avoid these factors of impact compaction degree, construction quality can be guaranteed. Key words:Highway subgrade compaction, degree of compaction, water content, quality, control 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 1. HYPERLINK \l _Toc326447064 前言 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc326447065 2.路基压实控制的原理和意义 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc326447066 3.影响土基压实的内因 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc326447069 4.影响土基压实的外因 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc326447070 4.1压实功能对压实的影响 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc326447071 4.2



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