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本科毕业论文 中文题目: 浅谈无领导小组讨论在校园招聘中的应用 外文题目: Discussion on Application of leaderless group discussion in Campus Recruitment 院 系 国际商学院 专 业 人力资源管理 年 级 2010级 学 号 201036060084 学生姓名 易浩渝 指导教师 黄雅婷 结稿日期 2014年5月10日 四川外国语大学教务处制 浅谈无领导小组讨论在校园招聘中的应用 摘要:无领导小组讨论是指选拔单位将应聘人员按一定数量集合,形成一个小组,然后给予一个问题,让应聘人员自由发挥,就给出的问题进行讨论,而选拔单位则根据应聘者的表现进行评价,从而选出适合招聘条件的优秀人员。很多企业都青睐于选择这种方法用于人才的招用,现今企业在校园招聘中也开始运用无领导小组讨论的方法,但是在校园招聘这个特殊的招生环境下,还存在着些需要改进的地方,比如企业测评的问题没有针对性,小组划分的不科学,学生易表现失常等问题,因此,若要无领导小组讨论在校园招聘中的应用达到良好的效果,还需要再学习和研究从而得到改进。本文就围绕这一问题,对无领导小组讨论在校园招聘中的应用进行了探讨。 关键字:无领导小组讨论; 校园招聘;应用改进 Discussion on Application of leaderless group discussion in Campus Recruitment Abstract: leaderless group discussion means the employer apply for personnel in a certain number of collection, forming a team, and then give a problem for the discussion. The selection unit according to the candidates performance evaluation, to select suitable for the excellent personnel recruitment conditions.Many enterprises have to choose this kind of method for talent recruitment, nowadays enterprises also have started to use in the campus recruitment, leaderless group discussion method, but in the particular environment of campus recruiting ,still have some to be improved, such as no specific to the issue of enterprise evaluation, group classification is not scientific, the students always show wrong expressions, so, if you want to leaderless group discussion in the application of campus recruitment to achieve good results, also need to study and research the results .In this paper, the author discuss the leaderless group discussion in the application of campus recruitment’s problem. Key words:leaderless group discussion;campus recruitment;Application improvement 致谢 时光如梭,四年的大学生涯很快就要结束了,回想起这四年的大学生活,所有的事情还都历历在目,离别的不舍和感激之情油然而生。首


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