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GRE sub考试说明

GRE机考完全备考手册之附录一 ◇GRE SUBJECT TEST(GRE SUB)专栏 GRE SUB考试之启蒙篇 首先,我们来了解一下什么是GRE SUBJEST考试(又称GRE专业考试或GRE专项考试)。 GRE (Graduate Record Exam)考试是研究生的入学考试,它适用于除了法律(需参加LSAT考试)与商业(需参加GMAT考)以外的各种学科与专业的研究生考试。GRE考试分为两种,一种是普通GRE考试(GRE General),也就是大部分中国学生参加的GRE考试。另一种是专项GRE考试(GRE Subject)。Section 1 GRE Subject Test for Computer Science I. SOFTWARE SYSTEMS AND METHODOLOGY (35%) A. Data organization 1. Data types 2. Data structures and implementation techniques 3. File organization (e.g., sequential, indexed, multilevel) B. Program control 1. Iteration and recursion 2. Functions, procedures, and exception handlers 3. Communication and synchronization C. Programming languages and notation 1. Constructs for data organization and program control 2. Scope, binding, and parameter passing 3. Expression evaluation D. Systems 1. Compilers and interpreters 2. Operating systems, including resource management and protection/security 3. Networking and distributed systems 4. System development tools 5. System performance II. COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE (20%) A. Logic design 1. Implementation of combinational and sequential circuits 2. Functional properties of digital integrated circuits B. Processors and control units 1. Instruction sets 2. Register and ALU organization 3. Number representation 4. Control sequencing 5. Data paths C. Memories and their hierarchies 1. Speed, capacity, cost, allocation 2. Cache, main, secondary storage 3. Virtual memory, paging, segmentation D. Communication 1. Bus, switch, and network structures and protocols 2. I/O 3. Synchronization Individuals who currently serve or have recently served on the Committee of E. High-performance architectures 1. Pipelining super-scalar and out-of-order execution processors 2. Parallel computing 3. Distributed computing III. THEORY (25%) A. Automata and language theory 1. Models of computation (finite automata, pushdown automata, Turing machines) 2. Formal languages (regular lan


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