GRE 反义词总结大全.doc

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GRE 反义词总结大全

出《----》入 , 上《----》下 disgorge ingest excrete ingest insert remove radiate absorb emit absorb aerate remove air from disinter bury ascend go down doff don abdicate assume 花草,气候,色彩等 inclement balmy noisome attractively fragrant verdant sere burgeon wither subside variegation uniform coloration pied solid-colored flamboyant subdued refulgent lackluster lackluster radiant flourish lack of embellishment 战争,政权 bellicose pacific truce resumed fighting victor loser debacle complete success disarm put on guard incursion retreat capitulation resistance minatory unthreatening vulnerable safe precarious safe haven dangerous place mogul nonentity hegemony lack of authority peremptory open to challenge 有限《----》无限, 多《----》少 infinity bounded space quota unlimited number pandemic limited slew limited quantity vacuity plenitude enrich deplete surfeit famish starve surcharge discount rarefy make more dense frequency rarity purlieu infrequently visited place 走,看,找 meander move purposively loll move vigorously gambol plod flit plod lumber glide dispatch leisureliness plumb examine superficially scrutinize gloss over scrutiny casual glance eschew seek shun seek actively orient confuse 夸张《----》低估, 炫耀《----》恭谦 exaggerate minimize minimize overestimate hyperbole understatement grandiloquent secretive hubris humility blatant unobtrusive ostentation austerity staid jaunty 减轻《-----》加重, 抚慰《-----》激怒 assuage intensify harrow assuage mitigate exacerbate al



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