Molecular Biology 分子生物学(上).ppt

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Molecular Biology 分子生物学(上)

Molecular Biology Fourth Edition Chapter 1 A Brief History A Brief History What is molecular biology? The attempt to understand biological phenomena in molecular terms The study of gene structure and function at the molecular level Molecular biology is a melding of aspects of genetics and biochemistry 1.1 Transmission Genetics Transmission genetics deals with the transmission of traits from parental organisms to their offspring Chemical composition of genes not known until 1944 Gene Phenotype Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance A gene can exist in different forms called alleles One allele can be dominant over the other, recessive, allele The first filial generation (F1) contains offspring of the original parents If each parent carries two copies of a gene, the parents are diploid for that gene Mendel’s Gene Transmission Heterozygotes have one copy of each allele Parents in 1st mating are homozygotes, having 2 copies of one allele Sex cells, or gametes, are haploid, containing only 1 copy of each gene Heterozygotes produce gametes having either allele Homozygotes produce gametes having only one allele The Chromosome Theory of Inheritance Chromosomes are discrete physical entities that carry the genes Thomas Hunt Morgan used the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, to study genetics Autosomes occur in pairs in a given individual Sex chromosomes are identified as X and Y Female has two X chromosomes Male has one X and one Y chromosome Hypothetical Chromosomes Every gene has its place, or locus, on a chromosome Genotype is the combination of alleles found in an organism Phenotype is the visible expression of the genotype Wild-type phenotype is the most common or generally accepted standard Mutant alleles are usually recessive Genetic Recombination and Mapping In early experiments genes on separate chromosomes behaved independently Genes on the same chromosome behaved as if they were linked This genetic linkage is not absolute Offspring show new combinations of alleles not se


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