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中药周期疗法治疗盆腔淤血综合征36例 【摘要】 目的观察中药周期疗法治疗盆腔淤血综合征的临床疗效。方法设治疗组与对照组。对治疗组36例周期用药,经后期益肾健脾、补气活血;经前期补肾疏肝、活血化淤。月经周期第5d,服用经后方,连服10 d后转服经前方,下个月经周期重复使用,2个月经周期为1个疗程。对照组22例则服用桂枝茯苓胶囊,3次/d,3粒/次,2个月经周期为1个疗程。结果治疗组疗效明显优于对照组,有非常显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论中药周期疗法治疗盆腔淤血综合征疗效较好,值得临床推广使用。 【关键词】 中医药周期疗法 盆腔淤血综合征 临床观察 Cycle Therapy with Chinese Traditional Medicine Treatment of Gore Pelvic Cavity Syndrome (36 Cases) Abstract:ObjectiveTo observe the clinical effect of gore pelvic cavity syndrome treated by cycle therapy with Chinese traditional medicine. MethodsControl group and treatment group. Treatment group (36 cases) took medicine by cycle. During the post-menstrua time, the kidney and spleen were reinforced by Qi-supplementing and Blood-activating. During the pre-menstrua time, the kidney was tonified and the liver was smoothed, and the blood circulation was activated. On the 5d of menstruation cycle, used the postmenstrua medicine continuously for 10d and then changed to use pre-menstrua medicine. This was repeated by the next menstruation cycle. Two menstruation cycles were a therapy program. The control group (22 cases) took Guizhifuling capsule, three times 1d, and three capsules once time. Also two menstruation cycles was a therapy program.ResultsThe effect was significantly better in the treatment group than in the control group. There was a significant difference between the two groups (P 0.01). ConclusionThe clinical effect of gore pelvic cavity syndrome treated by cycle therapy with Chinese traditional medicine is effective. Thus it is worth promotion in clinic. Key words:Cycle therapy with Chinese traditional medicine; Observation of the clinical effect; Treatment of gore pelvic cavity syndrome 盆腔淤血综合征(又称盆腔淤血症)是妇科多发病、疑难病之一。主要表现为范围广泛的慢性疼痛,极度疲劳感和某些神经衰弱症状,病情顽固,难于速愈,易于复发,严重地影响了患者的工作、学习与生活。笔者根据自己多年的临床经验,运用中药周期疗法的基本原理,参考月经周期的不同阶段,给予周期性用药,并设桂枝茯苓胶囊组进行对比观察,取得满意疗效。现报道如下。 1 资料与方法 1.1 纳入及排除标准 1.1.1 纳入标准 ①符合“盆腔淤血综合征诊断标准” [1~3]的患者;②年龄在26~47岁育龄女性;③1个月内未接受任何治疗,且知情同意加入本试验者。 1.1.2 排除标准 ①合并有慢性盆腔炎、子宫



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