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Language notes: 3. It isn’t always easy to live in a new neighbourhood. 2. get to know 强调“从不认识到认识的渐进过程” know “认识,了解,知道” How did you get to know her? “ 注重过程” How do you know her? “含有意外、惊奇的意味” It’s easy/hard to do sth. 1. I’m doing very well. 用进行时态强调“一直,一向” 4. keep -- kept -- kept keep sb./sth. + 地方 5. I will be glad when you come to Canada, too. I will be glad/sad/ happy when … 汉译英: 骑自行车很容易。 2) 学好英语很难。 3) 住在一个新社区不总是很容易。 It’s hard to learn English well. It’s easy to ride a bike. It isn’t always easy to live in a new neighbourhood. It’s easy/hard to do sth. 汉译英: 她来北海,我会很高兴。 2) 他不给我写信,我会很伤心。 3) 你忘记我,我不会不高兴。 I will be very sad when he doesn’t write to me. I will be very glad when she comes to Beihai. I will not be sad when you forget me. I will be glad/sad/ happy when … A task: Think and summarize(总结). Write down what happened to Brian in three sentences. What did Brian do this week? What happened to him yesterday? What is Brian going to do tomorrow? Brain got to know his neighbourhood this week. But yesterday he lost his way on his way to the cinema. Tomorrow he is going to ask Uncle David to buy him a map of the city and he will keep it in his backpack. astronaut Brainstorm some words that describe occupations. 教师 ______________ 司机 __________ 医生 ______________ 护士 _________ 职员 __________ 厨师 ___________ 运动员 ___________ 工人_____________ 农民 _________ 面包师傅 __________ 清洁工__________ 图书管理员 __________ 出纳员/收银员 ________ 警察 ___________ 商人 _______________ 总裁 _________ 售货员 _________ 航天员 __________ teacher driver doctor nurse clerk cook player worker farmer baker cleaner librarian cashier policeman businessman CEO seller


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