Lesson 5 机械英语.ppt

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Lesson 5 机械英语

《电子信息工程专业英语教程》 Lesson 5 Shafts and Couplings Terminology Text tour Terminology Coupling A coupling is a device for connecting the ends of adjacent shafts. 联轴器:联轴器是用来把相邻的两个轴的轴端联接起来的装置 coupling n. 联结,结合,耦合 rectangular n. 矩形 a. 矩形的,直角的 cross section n. 横截面(剖面,样品,抽样) screw n. 螺丝钉,压迫v. 扭紧,压榨 screw driver 螺丝刀,改锥 blade n. 刀锋,刀口 The blade needs sharpening. socket n. 插座,插口 wrench n. v.扳手,拧,扳紧,扭转 socket wrench套筒扳手 socket wrench set 全套套筒扳手 knob n. 把手,瘤 He gave a wrench at the knob. stem n. 茎,杆v. 堵住,阻止,起源于 Our ship stemmed on against the current. 我们的船逆流而上。 Torsional a. 扭力的,扭转的 torque n. 转力矩;捻扭的金属项圈、领圈或臂圈 mounted v. 安装a. 安装好的 Storage Mounted Device 表面安装器件 deviate v. 脱离,出轨 deviate from vt. 脱离(偏离,背离) His remarks usually deviate from truth. twist n. 一扭,扭曲v. 拧,扭曲 The accident happened at the twist in the road. Too much force will twist the key. clutch n.;v. 抓紧,掌握,离合器,孵小鸡 Release the clutch slowly.慢慢地松开离合器。 bending n. 弯曲度,挠曲度v. 弯曲 Touch your toes without bending your knees. 用手够到你的脚趾, 膝盖别弯曲. deflection n. 歪斜,偏向,挠度. 偏转. The smallest deflection of the missile could bring disaster. 导弹有极微小的偏斜也可能酿出大祸. reversal n. 翻转,倒转,反转 cold-roll 冷轧机 forge n.熔炉,锻工车间v.锻造 打制, 1.a workplace where metal is worked by heating and hammering 2. create by hammering adjacent a. 毗连的,邻近的,接近的 Semipermanent a. 半永久性的 propeller n. 螺旋桨,推进器 a mechanical device that rotates to push against air or water flange n. 凸缘,法兰v. 装凸缘 a projection used for strength or for attaching to another object hub n. 毂,中心,集线器,轮毂 the central part of a car wheel through which the shaft or axle passes bolt n. 门闩,螺钉 vt.用螺栓固定 A fools bolt is soon shot. 愚者易竭其智。黔驴之技易穷。蠢人沉不住气。 alignment n. 调整(成直线,准线,定向,直线性,结盟) the act of adjusting or aligning the parts of a device in relation to each other rabbet n. 槽口,槽口接缝处v. 开槽口接合,嵌接 a rectangular groove made to hold two pieces together gearbox n.齿轮箱,变速箱 flexible a. 灵活的,易弯曲的,柔韧的 This tube is flexible but tough.这管子柔软但很坚固。 .You are too flexible with her.你太听任她的摆布了。 flexible coupling 弹性联轴器,


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