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六年级英语检测题1-2单元 姓名                   成绩       一、听短文并填空。13 Im going to? ?my?? this Sunday. I get there by ??.Their home is ???the? ??. I? at the ?, then???? . Their home is on the ???. 二、听句子,从 ABCD 四个选项中选出所包含的信息,并将字母标号填在题前的括号内。10 (? ) 1. A. by ship???? ?B. on foot???? ?C. by plane?? ?D. by bus (? ) 2. A. yellow????? ?B. red???????? ?C. green????? ?D. blue (? ) 3. A. No.13?????? ?B. No.17???? ?? C. N0.16????? ?D. No.15 (? ) 4. A. hospital???? B. cinema?????? C. library???? D. bookstore ( ?) 5. A. comic book?? B. post card??? C. magazine??? D. newspaper 三、面你将听到6个问句,请从打乱顺序的答句中,将能回答每个问句的答句字母标号填入题前的括号内。5 (? ) 1. A. Im going to the bookstore this afternoon. (? ) 2. B. Im going to the zoo this weekend. ( ?) 3. C. Im going to buy a dictionary. (? ) 4. D. Im going at 3 oclock. ( ?) 5. Its east of the cinema. 笔试部分 一、选择,请将正确选项字母标号填入题前的括号内。20 (? ) 1.Usually I go to school on ????????. ???? A. bike????? B. foot??? ?C. plane (?) 2. _______ do you go to school? 牋牋 A. How牋牋?燘. Who牋牋牋C. Where (?) 3. Im going牋牋牋牋? oclock. 牋牋 A. on牋牋牋?B. in牋?? C. library???? D. boo牋?燙. at ( ? 4.? 燼t a yellow light. 牋牋 A. Stop牋牋?B. Wait牋?燙. Go (?) 5. If you go by car, by bike or on foot, you must know the 牋. 牋牋 A. traffic lights牋?燘. traffic牋牋牋?C. traffic light (?) 6.燫ed means _______. 牋牋 A. go牋牋牋?B. wait牋牋?C. stop (?) 7. ______ is the cinema, please? 牋牋 A. Where牋牋 B. What牋牋 燙. When (?) 8. Is it far? ???here? ?????A. from????? B. about??? ?C. for (? ) 9. The hospital is ______ the left. ???? A. for?????? B. in????????C. on (? ) 10. Walk straight? ??three minutes. ???? A. at??????? B. for?????? C. in 二、下面你能看到6组分别被打乱顺序的问句和答句,请你重新搭配一下, 把正确的答句的字母标号填入相应问句前的括号内。12 (? ) 1. Where are you going this afternoon???????? A. Its yellow. (? ) 2.What are you going to do??????????????????? ?B. You can going by the No.12 bus. (? ) 3. When are you going?????


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