The more comprehensive definition of research is研究的比较全面的定义是.ppt

The more comprehensive definition of research is研究的比较全面的定义是.ppt

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The more comprehensive definition of research is研究的比较全面的定义是

The more comprehensive definition of research is: Research is a scientific undertaking which, by means of logical and systematized techniques aims to: discover new facts or verify and test old facts analyze their sequence, interrelationships and causal explanations The ultimate purpose of research is to: Fill in gaps in information Find answers to questions so far unexplained Research is the systematic collection, analysis interpretation of data to answer a certain question or solve a problem. Characteristics of research: It demands a clear statement of the problem It requires a plan It builds on existing data, using both positive negative findings New data should be collected as required be organized in such a way that they answer the original research questions. Research serves to major purposes First: Basic research is necessary to generate new knowledge technology Second: Applied research is necessary to identify priority problems to design evaluate policies programs. CRITERIA FOR SELECTING A RESEARCH TOPIC Relevance Avoidance of duplication Feasibility Political acceptability Applicability urgency of data needed Ethical acceptability What Stimulates People to Undertake Research? A person may be stimulated to undertake research activities because of: A genuine interest to add to the body of knowledge and understanding To create or develop new/better tools methods programmes, equipments etc. Others may undertake research as a means of earning: a livelihood a better career or position, an academic degree or Self ?gratification. Why Learn Research Methodology? Whatever the reason for undertaking research, the right way of doing it should be learnt. No country is rich enough to permit wastage. Disorganized pursuits are wasteful and not desirable. This is true also in research. No matter what the reason be for undertaking a research work, the investigator needs to learn Contd…. Correct methods. Systematic methodical approach in


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