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The Ends! * 小静脉 * 外弹性膜 * 弹性动脉 * 大静脉 * 浆半月 * 胰腺 * 小叶间胆管 * 小支气管 * 肺泡 * 肺泡管 * 尘细胞 * 食管胃交界 * 食管腺 * 环形皱襞 * 潘氏细胞 * 中央静脉 * 大肠 * 冠状动脉粥样硬化 肺气肿 * 门脉性肝硬化 * 胃溃疡 * 小叶性肺炎 * 风湿性心瓣膜病伴二尖瓣狭窄和关闭不全 * 支扩 * 肝癌伴肝硬化 * 胃溃疡 * 主动脉粥样硬化脂纹期 * * 比较人体形态学2-B卷 第一场:2015.5.14.17:30-18:40 circulatory, respiratory and digestive system 17 questions, each 1 minute Answer independently. No textbook. No talking. * 一、请写出正常人体组织结构名称 1. Identify the type of vessel by the green arrow? * 弹性纤维染色 2. Identify the histology structure by the green arrow? * 3. Which type of vessel does the aorta (主动脉) represent? * 4. Identify the type of vessel? * 5. Identify a histological structure? * 6. Identify the organ? * 7. Identify the histology feature by the green arrow? * 8. Identify the structure? * 9. Identify a histological structure ? * 10. Identify a histological structure by red circle? * 11. Identify the cell ? * 12. Identify the histology structure by the black arrow? * 13. Identify the histology structure by the red circle? * 14. Identify a histological structure by the red circle ? * 15. Identify the cell by the green arrow? * 16.Identify the structure indicated by star. * 17. Identify the organ? * 二、请写出PPT中显示的切片组织名称和病理诊断 (每张PPT1分钟,需描写的标本4分钟,共8分钟) 1.Organ Diagnosis 2.Organ Diagnosis 3.Organ: Diagnosis: 4.Organ: Diagnosis: 3号 × 400 × 40 × 200 5.Organ: Diagnosis: Description: 三、请写出PPT中显示的人体器官名称和病理诊断 (每张PPT 1分钟,需描写的标本4分钟,共8分钟) 1.Organ Diagnosis 2:Organ: Diagnosis: 3.Organ Diagnosis 4.Organ Diagnosis 5.Organ: Diagnosis: Description: 小静脉 * 外弹性膜 * 弹性动脉 * 大静脉 * 浆半月 * 胰腺 * 小叶间胆管 * 小支气管 * 肺泡 * 肺泡管 * 尘细胞 * 食管胃交界 * 食管腺 * 环形皱襞 * 潘氏细胞 * 中央静脉 * 大肠 * 冠状动脉粥样硬化 肺气肿 * 门脉性肝硬化 * 胃溃疡 * 小叶性肺炎 * 风湿性心瓣膜病伴二尖瓣狭窄和关闭不全 * 支扩 * 肝癌伴肝硬化 * 胃溃疡 * 主动脉粥样硬化脂纹期 *


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