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So So+形容词…that+从句 如此…以至于 so that +从句 为了 She is so kind that we are moved 她如此好以至于我们都被感动了 She works very hard so that she can enter a better school. 她学习非常努力为了能进一个好学校. * w w w.w l s y y.c o m So…如此的 So + adj + a + n Such a + adj + n She is so good a student 她是一个如此好的学生 She is such a good student. 她是一个如此好的学生 * w w w.w l s y y.c o m 374 . With the help of the computer, information can__ every corner of the world. A. reach B. return C. recover D. get to A/D 考点分析: Get to= reach + 某地: 到达… Return (v)归还 Recover (v)—recovery (n)康复 翻译此句 375 . The children__ not to play with the fire. A. are often told B. was often told C. will often be told D. did often told a/b/c 考点分析: 一般现在时/一般过去时/过去将来时---三种基本的被动语态形式. Tell sb not to do …告诉某人不要做某事. * w w w.w l s y y.c o m 376 . –My trousers are ___. --I will buy you a new pair. A. put out B. wore out C. work out D. sold out B 考点分析: Put… out拿出/Wear out穿破/work out算出;制定出/Sell out卖光 请翻译此句 377 . –he seems __ ill. Shall we take him to the hospital right now? --I don’t think it matters. Maybe he’s caught a bit of a cold. A. terrible B. terribly C. to get terribly D. to be terrible B/C考点分析: Seem:看上去 = he is ill ; terribly (ad) ill 可怕地病. Seem to 看上去…= he seems to get ill.他看上去得了病. ill (a)生病的,只做表语 I don’t think it matters.我认为没事. A bit of 有点= a lot of + 可数/不可数 Catch/ have/ get a cold感冒 Right now 立刻/马上 * w w w.w l s y y.c o m Not…a bit= not…at all 一点也不 I don’t like it a bit (at all) Bite-bit-bit; bitten (v)咬 For a bit =for a while Please wait for me for a bit. A bit of +可数/不可数(有点) He just had a bit of a cold. He had a bit of paper. bit * w w w.w l s y y.c o m 378 . –Would you like __ some fruit? --No, thanks. I don’t feel like __ anything now. A. to have; to eat B. having; to eat C. having; eating


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