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(小提醒:請老師先複習初上第一課到中上第八課的文法概念! (中級(B)-Lesson 5 A New Car Amy: Sandy, look! I got a driver’s license. Sandy: You do? That’s great! Are you going to buy a car? Amy: Joe ordered an AUX for me last week. Sandy: Wow! That’s a luxurious car! Joe is a good husband. I know that it’s really fashionable now to drive a blue AUX. Amy: But mine is white. Sandy: White is beautiful too, but it’s hard to keep clean. Amy: Don’t worry. Joe will wash the car. 參考資料:9年第次國民中學學生基本學力測驗桑蒂桑蒂桑蒂Are you going to buy a car? 你打算買車嗎? Joe ordered an AUX for me last week. 喬上週為我訂了一輛AUX了。 I know that it’s really fashionable now to drive a blue AUX. 我知道現在開藍色的AUX真的很時髦。 But mine is white. 但是我的是白色的。 It’s hard to keep clean. 很難保持乾淨。 造句 她得到駕照了。 She got a driver’s license. 她打算買車嗎? Is she going to buy a car? 喬上週為她訂了一輛AUX。 Joe ordered an AUX for her last week. 你是個好丈夫。 You are a good husband. 他知道現在開藍色的AUX真的很時髦。 He knows that it’s really fashionable now to drive a blue AUX. 他的是白色的。 His is white. 黑色也很好看。 Black is beautiful too. 很難保持乾淨。 It is hard to keep clean. 不要買那輛車。 Don’t buy that car. 我會洗車。 I will wash the car. 改錯(圈出錯誤處,並在( )中寫出正確的答案) She getted a car. (got) Does he going to meet Amy? (Is) He bought bicycles for we. (us) It’s hard to driving a car. (drive) He washs his hair every day. (washes) 單字填空 新的 new 得到 get(got) 很棒的 great 訂購 order(ordered) 真地 really 駕駛 drive(drove) 漂亮的 beautiful 保持 keep(kept) 洗 wash(washed) 恭喜你完成了這篇英文短文。算一算,自己答對了幾題呢? 英翻中: 造句: 改錯: 單字填空: 博幼中級英文-閱讀補充教材(老師版) 1 博幼中級英文-閱讀補充教材 2 3 博幼中級英文-閱讀補充教材 4 9 \5 5 \5 10 \5 5 \5


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