【2018年春季课程外研版高三英语】第6讲_教案 .doc

【2018年春季课程外研版高三英语】第6讲_教案 .doc

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2018年外研版高三英语春季课程 第6讲:高三二轮复习--阅读理解的解题技巧及训练(2)+句子和句子结构的复习(2)(120分钟) 一、课程介绍 知识点 1.归纳讲解阅读理解的解题技巧(2)---细节理解题 2.重点语法: 句子及句子结构的复习(2)---句子种类及句子的简化 教学重点 1.掌握并运用好阅读理解的细节理解题的解题技巧 2.正确分析理解句子并进行简化 教学难点 如何做好细节理解题 二、要点回顾 Open Letter to an Editor I had an interesting conversation with a reporter recently---one who works for you. In fact, hes one of your best reporters. He wants to leave. Your reporter gave me a copy of his resume (简历) and photocopies of six stories that he wrote for you. The headlines showed you played them proudly. With great enthusiasm, he talked about how he finds issues (问题), approaches them, and writes about them, which tells me he is one of your best. Im sure you would hate to lose him. Surprisingly, your reporter is not unhappy. In fact, he told me he really likes his job. He has a great assignment (分工), and said you run a great paper. It would be easy for you to keep him, he said. He knows that the paper values him. He appreciates the responsibility youve given him, takes ownership of his profession, and enjoys his freedom. So why is he looking for a way out? He talked to me because he wants his editors to demand so much more of him. He wants to be pushed, challenged, coached to new heights. The reporter believes that good stories spring from good questions, but his editors usually ask how long the story will be, when it will be in, where it can play, and what the budget is. He longs for conversations with an editor who will help him turn his good ideas into great ones. He wants someone to get excited about what hes doing and to help him turn his story idea upside down and inside out, exploring the best ways to report it. He wants to be more valuable for your paper. Thats what you want for him, too, isnt it? So your reporter has set me thinking. Our best hope in keeping our best reporters, copy editors, photographers, artists---everyone--is to work harder to mak


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