【2018年春季课程高一英语】第5讲 人教版 必修三 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note(重点词汇 短语与句型)教案.docx

【2018年春季课程高一英语】第5讲 人教版 必修三 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note(重点词汇 短语与句型)教案.docx

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【2018年春季课程高一英语】第5讲 人教版 必修三 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note(重点词汇 短语与句型)教案

第五讲 必修三 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note适用学科高中英语适用年级高中一年级适用区域人教新课标版课时时长(分钟)120分钟知识点重点词汇scene,doubt,matter,issue,regret,bet,permit,fault,spot,patience,order,amount, simply,manner重点短语bring up,be set in,as a matter of fact,account for,on the contrary,take a chance,as for重点句型… when…;--ever的用法教学目标Get students to learn and grasp the important useful new words and expressions in this part:教学重点Enable students to grasp the usages of such important new words and expressions教学难点Get students to understand some difficult and long sentences.教学过程一、复习预习1. 检查上节课课后作业;2. Unit2语言知识掌握情况诊断;(1).—The car exhibition will be open on Sunday, which must be interesting!—I’m not going with you, so ________.A.forget it  B.I agreeC.no problemD.don’t worry解析:选A 考查交际用语。根据答话人的话“我不跟你一起去”可知,应选A项。forget it意为“不可能;休想”,表示对别人要求的拒绝,符合语境。(2).When I was very young, I was terribly frightened of school, but I soon ________ it.A.got off B.got acrossC.got on D.got over解析:选D 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我小时候特别害怕上学,但很快就克服了。get over表示“克服”,符合句意。前三项分别表示“离开”“被理解;把……讲清楚”“进展”,都与句意不符。(3).While prices are rising so fast, many people are working out ways to ________ their expenses.A.cut down B.put downC.turn down D.settle down解析:选A 考查动词短语辨析。句意:当价格飞涨时,许多人做出了削减费用的举措。cut down“削减;缩短;砍倒”;put down“放下;写下;批评;奚落;贬损”;turn down“关小;调低;拒绝”;settle down“安顿下来”。与费用(expenses)有关时,常用削减(cut down)费用。(4).Generally speaking, almost all the kids are ________ about how everything around them works.A.curious B.carefulC.anxious D.excited解析:选A 句意:一般来说,几乎所有的孩子都对周围所有一切是怎么发生的感到好奇。curious“好奇的”;careful“细心的”;anxious“着急的;担忧的”;excited“激动的”。(5).Both China and the United States________ from their growing business ties over the past four decades.A.had benefited B.benefitC.benefited D.have benefited解析:选D 考查时态。题干中含有现在完成时的时间状语over the past four decades。二、课堂导入Get to know foreign currencyeuro, pound, dollar, ruble, yen, won, Australian dollar, Canadian dollar, Swiss FrancAmerica,Britain,Japan,Australia,Canada,Russia,Korea,Switzerland,Germany三、知识讲解知识点1 重点词汇1. scene n. (一词多义) 现


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