人教版高中英语课件 选修七 Unit 1 Grammar (共14张PPT).ppt

人教版高中英语课件 选修七 Unit 1 Grammar (共14张PPT).ppt

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人教版高中英语课件 选修七 Unit 1 Grammar (共14张PPT)

Grammar The infinitive 在句中的成分 1. To obey the laws is important. 2. My wish is to be a doctor. 3. I want to do it myself. 4. We think it important to obey the laws. 5. He has a lot of homework to do. 6. He came to help me with my maths. 7. We allow you to enter the hall. 在句中的成分 主语 有时it作形式主语真正的主语是不定式 It is important to obey the laws. 表语 一般紧跟在系动词be, seem, remain, appear, get等的后面 宾语 不定式用在及物动词的后面 例如 agree, ask, decide, happen, promise等等。 宾语, it为形式宾语,真正的宾语为不定式 在句中的成分 定语。不定式所修饰的名词或者代词和不定式 形成动宾或者主谓关系 A factory which is to produce electricity will be set up next year 目的状语, 不定式还可以做结果,原因状语 Be careful not to catch a cold. I hurried to get there only to find him out. 宾补。不定式作宾补的时候有时候可以省略to 常用在以下动词之后作宾补advise, allow, wish, Order, want等等。 不定式的时态 不定式的一般式 to do I am glad to see you. he has decided to give her some money. 表示的动作通常与谓语所表示的动作或状态同时或者几乎同时发生,或是在他之后发生 不定式的进行式 to be doing I am very glad to be working with you. He pretended to be working hard when his boss passed him. 表示的动作通常与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生 不定式的完成式 to have done He happened to have seen the film before The novel is believed to have been translated into Chinese. 不定式所表示的动作发生在谓语动作或状态之前 He wanted to have met you at the airport, but he didn’t get there in time. We planned to have done good deeds for the poor people last month. 表示过去没有实现的期待或者计划 hoped, promised, wanted, wished, expected, planned… 不定式的完成式 to have done I would like to have given her the gift. He would like to have played the violin at the concert. 不定式的完成式在would like后边表示未能实现的愿望。 不定式的完成式 to have done 不定式的语态 主动语态 to do 被动语态 to be done It is an honor for me to be invited to attend the meeting. Everyone likes the hero to be praised. 省略to 与省略do We asked him to stay till the next day, but he refused to. Are you a teacher? Yes, and I have to be What we want to do now is lie down and have a good rest. I didn’t say anything but to make a gesture. 固定词组和句型 1. prefer n. (doing) to n. (doing) 2. prefer to do sth rather than do sth 3. would rather do 4. would r


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