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学院:____ _专业:_____ __年级:___ __班级:___ _ 姓名:__________学号:__________ 中山大学2007学年度第7学期期末考试试卷 课程名称:04级口腔7年制《口腔生物学》理论考试类型:A卷 考试时间:150 分钟 考试方式:闭卷 考试日期:2007年12月 14日 名词 解释 选择题 问答1 问答2 问答3 问答4 问答5 论述题 总分 得分 评卷人 《中山大学授予学士学位工作细则》第六条: “考试作弊不授予学士学位。” CONCEPTION:(4’×6=24’) A. Dental Plaque B. Gingival crevice fluid(GCF) C. Dentin sialophosphoprotein D. sealing zone E. SIgA F. Cell subculturing MULTIPLE CHOICE:(1’×30=30’) (1). Microbial adhesins consist of the followings but:( ) A. Polysaccharides; B. Lipoteichoic acids; C. Mucins; D. Glucosyltransferases (2). CSP is able to mediate the cell-cell signaling system during cell-cell communication, for example CSP also can markedly increase the ability of recipient cells in biofilms to take up:( ) A. RNA; B. Peptide; C. DNA; D. Polypeptide; (3). The main source of nutrient for dental plaque (biofilm) is: ( ) A. Daily food intake; B. Saliva; C. Daily water intake; D. Production of cells (4). The phagocytosis(吞噬作用) and killing of bacterial by PMNs can be enhanced by : ( ) A. Lysozyme; B. Peroxidase(过氧化物酶); C. IgG; D. Histatins(组胺) (5). In the oral cavity, the pH is maintained near neutrality (6.7 to 7.3) by saliva. The acidity from drinks and foods, as well as from bacterial activity, is neutralized mainly by: ( ) A. Bicarbonate; B. Phosphate; C. Proteins; D. Peptide. (6) Functions of GCF not including( ) A nutrients- B Potential market for periodontal disease activity C diluting(稀释) D Isolation effect (7) Shallow sulci in healthy subjects have GCF flow rates of( ) A 3-8ul/h B 5-10ul/h C 10-12ul/h D 15-20ul/h (8) The turnover rate of oral sulcular epithelium has been estimated as days, while that of the junctional epithelium is around ( )days. A 4-6, 10-14 B 5-10, 10-14 C 10-14, 5-10 D 10-14, 4-6 (9) under inflamed condition, 60% or more of the junctional epithe



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