高一英语《A healthy life》课件5.ppt

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点此进入 1.due         由于…… 2.give 放弃;戒掉 3.addicted 对……有瘾 4.over and over 再三地;反复地 5.accustomed 习惯于…… 6.do damage 伤害;损伤 7.decide 对……作出决定 8.throw 扔掉;拋弃 9. like (doing) ... 想要(做)…… 10.instead 代替;而不是 to up to again to to on away feel of 1.due to由于……;因为…… [教材P18原句] I think my long and active life must be due to the healthy life I live. 我想我之所以长寿而且精力充沛,要归功于我的健康生活。 ①Many people can’t afford a new house due to high housing prices. 由于房价太高,许多人买不起新房子。 be due to do sth.  预期做某事;预定要做某事 be due to (doing) sth./sb. 归因于(做)某事/某人;欠某 人…… be due (for) sth. 应有;应得到 ②Rose start school in January. 罗丝一月份就要开始上学了。 ③Have they been paid the money that them? 他们应得的钱付给他们了吗? ④I’m still due (for) 15 days’leave. 我还应有15天的休假。 is due to is due to 2.addicted to对……有瘾 [教材P18原句] You see, during adolescence I also smoked and became addicted to cigarettes. 你知道,当我还是一个十几岁的孩子的时候,我也吸过烟,而且还上了瘾。 be/become addicted to (doing) sth. 对(做)……上瘾;痴迷于…… ①He has been addicted to playing games on the Internet since last year. 他从去年以来沉迷于玩网络游戏。 ②Unfortunately, the young man gambling. 不幸的是,这个年轻人已经对赌博上瘾了。 has become addicted to ③I was shocked to find she addicted herself to drugs. 发现她使自己沉溺于毒品,我很震惊。 addict vt.           使上瘾 addict oneself to (doing) sth. 沉溺于(做)某事 Li Ming is a game addict, and his father has been trying to prevent him from being addicted to computer games which are very addictive. 李明是一个游戏迷,他爸爸一直在试图让他不要沉迷于让人上瘾的电脑游戏。 [语境串记] 3.accustomed to习惯于…… [教材P18原句] This means that after a while your body becomes accustomed to having nicotine in it. 这就是说,过一段时间以后,你的身体习惯了香烟里的尼古丁。 be accustomed to        习惯于(状态) become/get accustomed to 习惯于(动作) accustom vt. 使习惯 accustom oneself/sb./sth.to 使……习惯于 ①I’m not accustomed to listening to the songs of Jay Chou because I can’t hear the words clearly. 我不习惯听周杰伦的歌,因为我听不清歌词。 ②Her eyes quickly


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